

Responses from waltersalas

Search Function?
Thanks for the clarification! 
Bands with great second albums
@effer +1Great call on both counts. 
Tekton Double Impacts
@evolvist first and foremost, I am very sorry to hear of your health problems and that this has turned out to be such an ordeal for you. Especially toward the end of this, things obviously went completely haywire and seemed to spiral out of contro... 
Bands with great second albums
@bdp24 @loomisjohnson I am in agreement that Road to Ruin is their best album, but I think all of the first four--and Too Tough to Die--are classics. I also think the Clash's Give 'Em Enough Rope is great, though I have never cared much for the pr... 
I'm still mystified...
@grannyring +1 
Lyngdorf TDAI-3400
@shkong78 Sorry to leave you hanging. My weekend didn't go as planned, so I have not yet had an opportunity to follow through on running the 3400 as a preamp for the LM 508, but I will get to it sometime this week.In the meantime, I am really enjo... 
Bands with great second albums
@bdp24 Agreed, the second is much better. Better sound, better songs, better singing, and I say that as a fan of the debut. Yes, I do like the Continental Drifters cover as well. Excellent. Have you heard Return of the Grievous Angel, an entire al... 
Bands with great second albums
Gram Parsons, "Grievous Angel"Big Star, "Radio City"The Feelies, "The Good Earth"New York Dolls, "Too Much Too Soon"Silos, "Cuba"R.E.M. "Reckoning"PJ Harvey, "Rid of Me"Ramones, "Leave Home"Talking Heads, "More Songs About Buildings and Food" 
Bands with great second albums
X, "Wild Gift" 
Lyngdorf TDAI-3400
Peter, thanks for your post. This is very encouraging for me especially, since I play a lot of vinyl. I would love to try XLR, but unfortunately, my Allnic H1201 is RCA only.  I hope you find a music server that suits you. I've been pretty pleased... 
Lyngdorf TDAI-3400
@jcarcopo Sometimes venting can be therapeutic. We've all been there at one time or another. I hope you find a workable solution soon! 
Lyngdorf TDAI-3400
Hi Charles,I would say that my impressions are preliminary, because I believe I have only scratched the surface on what the Lyngdorf can do and be in my system. It is so fun, and so versatile. And it sounds great, too!  So far, I do not quite have... 
Lyngdorf TDAI-3400
Since you asked, this little update is for shkong78 and anyone else who may be interested in my findings thus far. First of all, I have about a hundred hours and counting--I believe Bill (grannyring) indicated that the unit may need a lot more tim... 
Lyngdorf TDAI-3400
@jcarcopo Very sorry to hear that your problem has not yet been resolved. I have not experienced similar issues with my 3400 playing through the Encores, though I also rarely turn it up louder than -16dB.I hope you get it resolved soon! 
The better (artist)....
Cher was superior to Sonny.