
Responses from vinylzone

Restored my dads R2R but no tape loop on integrated
Phono stage direct to R2R, Tape out to any input.  This will allow you to monitor what's coming off the tape while recording.  Same with the cd transport. 
Got a Node 2i, what's next?
I'm holding off on a separate DAC for now until I get some other things in order.  I think I have my preamp set now.  I'm going to get a few small things sorted out on my analog rig first, and then it's a tossup on whether I go with a new power am... 
How much reality do you really need?
I know it's not strictly analogous, but this kind of reminds me of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. The more you know that your system sounds like live music, the less you know about live music.  Close enough? :) 
How much reality do you really need?
Reality is highly overrated. 
Sota Eclipse packages for VPI tables.
The next thing you might want to consider is an isolation platform you can put it on. My turntable has an air bladder suspension.  The stock VPI suspension required you to fill each bladder separately, but since I was already running my ET 2.5 ... 
Tubes for Magnepan’s.
 Length x diameter x resistance is total resistance Georg is rolling over in his grave.  There's SO much wrong with that post that I just don't even know where to start.  
Tubes for Magnepan’s.
It would be easier if Magnepan just incorporated copper resistive ribbon into their design. A resistor can be any material that resists flow of electricity by definition, so why not just build it in to give the speaker a higher ohm rating, and s... 
Arrangement of components on rack
Turntable, SUT, Phono Preamp, and preamp, side of the room, 18 feet away from all other components.  TT and SUT on upper shelf, Phono pre and pre on shelf below, power stuff on lowest shelf.TV, AVR, Node 2I, power amps on front wall.  TV above cen... 
Sota Eclipse packages for VPI tables.
Walker Audio?  No thanks. 
Tubes for Magnepan’s.
Not with Maggie's, but with Apogee Duetta IIs, I had rebuilt a couple of 80wpc mono Conn Organ amps.  Conventional wisdom was the same at the time, 200w min, high current.  The tube amps sounded great, and pretty much kept up with a Bryston 3B at ... 
BUI - Guilty
@jallan,Yes, this one has definitely paid off.  I'm super pleased so far.@performane_series,I have Maggie's, so I'm thinking solid state.  Had a Bryston foe years, drone my Apogees really well, but a channel died so I sold it and bought a PS Audio... 
Sota Eclipse packages for VPI tables.
I guess the only way to tell is to get it and see.  It's not expensive in either case. 
Has anyone heard that ARC discontinued the Ref CD-9SE?
The "powers that be" want to eliminate media you own and control. That way, they can monitor what you watch to determine the quality of your "citizenship" to determine your trustworthinessJust get some audiophile rhodium plated tin foil hats.  Yea... 
Sota Eclipse packages for VPI tables.
@lewm I'll take that under consideration.  I'm not sure I will need it with around 30 lbs of spinning mass though.  The inertia of the table should negate the need for constant correction.  And I can always add it later, there's no discount for pu... 
Sota Eclipse packages for VPI tables.
@lewm The Eclipe package with motor (without the roadrunner) is $750 US. The Total Eclipse has the roadrunner for $1100.  The Roadrunner can be added later.