

Responses from twoleftears

Need recommendation for CD transport (not Cambridge)
As a coda to this thread, there's a new, reasonably priced transport coming from NuPrime, CDT-8, available end of January.  It looks very promising.  Another entrant in a sparse field. 
PMC 24 and Canalis Cambria two way floorstanders; What is the advantage to this design?:
This.+++It's always fun to go vicarious shopping for someone else.Looking on the 'gon right now, for me my top three choices in what's currently offered in that price range would be the Proac D28, Triangle Volante and Totem Forest Signature.  Any ... 
PMC 24 and Canalis Cambria two way floorstanders; What is the advantage to this design?:
When you get into that kind of age, I think you need to start worrying about the driver surrounds, caps in the crossover, etc.  Still, if you're prepared to deal with that, it's a possibility.  To me, it seems that when you venture into this area,... 
Least expensive discrete resistor ladder NOS DAC?
Vinnie Rossi, Spatial, Volti Audio, and Triode Wire Labs have all been using Border Patrol at recent shows.  That catches my attention. 
Rogue Cronus Magnum II, but I have depth constraints..
I went in the other direction.  The CMII knocked the Ayre AX-7 down to my second system. 
Shopping for Interconnects
So how about these new IC-3e's, with Furutechs?  Wonder if anyone's heard them.https://www.audiogon.com/listings/interconnects-new-cryo-treated-nano-fluid-enhanced-ic-from-audio-art-2017-12-27-cables  
Really satisfied???
It's just something that people do.An auto enthusiast gets a new performance car.What does he do?  Take it in for a tune-up, buy a better air filter, start researching bolt-on turbos.If you can do 0-60 in 6 secs, you can do it in 5.5.It's the same... 
Need recommendation for amplifier
@rvpiano Do you know which variant it is?  The last iteration before he went over to the Aria/SA-100 models seems to have been the 150A Reference Version 2. 
Classical Music for Aficionados
If you enjoy Mozart and similar, but just want a slight change, here's Ignaz Pleyel, Symphony 3/ 2nd Symphonie Concertante/ 6th Symphonie Periodique.  On CPO.Beautiful, spacious, well-balanced recording.  (Or perhaps it's just my system finally co... 
Blown away by YAQIN MC-13S - tube amplifier
Newegg acts as an intermediary for a bunch of Yaqin's from China.  I wonder if you went up their line whether you might find better bass.  Or if by doing so you might compromise the qualities you like so much. 
Really satisfied???
Agreed.  You can be totally satisfied and still have the itch.  It's something about being an audiophile rather than a "melomane".  There's always that curiosity, that "what if?" question hovering somewhere around.  Also, total satisfaction doesn'... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
@sevs As I type this, listening to Valentin Silvestrov: Symphony 5 + Postludium (Sony).  Verdict is still out, but you might try it and see what you think.  Not a strong recommendation, more of a try before you buy. 
Classical Music for Aficionados
At the risk of stating the obvious: Tallis Scholars, Allegri, "Miserere".I've listened to a good deal of this style of music, and this piece and this recording still come out tops.  In my secondary system which is in a room with a cathedral ceilin... 
Audio Horizons fuses.... won’t buy them again...
So if I only need 0.25A in the first place, and go up to 0.5A, that's still doubling the value.  Hmmm. 
Budget Audience Clone?
Cableco. often runs specials on Audience.  Right now Ohno's--pretty good I hear--are in your budget.https://www.thecableco.com/audience_specials.html?mode=list