Responses from twoleftears
Classical Music for Aficionados In my concerto survey, Bortkiewicz's no. 1 on Hyperion struck me particularly favorably (probably more so than any of the other more or less obscure compositions on the CDs that I own of that series).So when I found out that he had composed two mo... | |
Perception It's called suggestibility. The makers of adverts know all about it. Just a question of planting the seed of doubt, or the seed of lust (for something bigger and better). Different people may have different levels of resistance to it, but I don... | |
Dealers and exaggerated treble @ctsooner +100. Amen to that. | |
Speaker Break In...? Or listener “Break In”? Speaker drivers never change over time. That's why they never need refoaming. | |
The best speaker for a small any price point. I heard the Gamut's under less than ideal show conditions last year at the Capital Audio Fest, and thought they were fabulous. For me, best stand-mount sound at the show. That being said, I seem to remember that there was some pretty impressive ... | |
What's your definition of analog smell? One that's organic and continuous, and not chopped up into millions of tiny odoremes. | |
Speaker Break In...? Or listener “Break In”? Conventional drivers have components made of materials that move, bend, and flex. I can't see how anyone would not think that those materials would have a break-in period. How long that period is, and how big an impact that makes in the grand sc... | |
Classical Music for Aficionados So what do you piano mavens think of Cristina Ortiz?She sounds pretty good to me in the Stenhammar #2 (which, curiously, strikes me as better recorded/engineered than the matching #1). | |
Amp Recommendations: 2 Ohm Stable, ~300+ watts, and small... D-Sonic perhaps. | |
Classical Music for Aficionados Stenhammar #1.If you enjoy Romantic piano concertos, then I can't imagine you not enjoying this outing. | |
Anyone here with Magico A3 driven by Bel Canto Ref600's? AudioTroy's principles:1. Never apologize.2. Always attack.3. Be as opinionated as possible.Remind you of anyone else? | |
The best speaker for a small any price point. Value: Fritz Carrera BE.All-out: Gamut RS3i. | |
Classical Music for Aficionados Dusted off the Busoni for today. An unusual, somewhat disconcerting composition. But I suppose that’s Busoni.So... what is it with Scottish genes and classical music? 100% here, half and half Glasgow and Peterhead. | |
Anyone here with Magico A3 driven by Bel Canto Ref600's? Doesn't Stereophile really like the REF600's too? | |
Which Integrated Amp For Tannoy Turnberry Prestige GR Speakers Sugden class A solid state integrated amp. |