

Responses from twoleftears

Classical Music for Aficionados
@jim204  No, I'm afraid not, no Piemontesi, and looking on Amazon the 2 CDs seem to command pretty high prices on the used market.So far listened to Sudbin, Batsashvili (excellent), Hamelin, Browning (lyrical), Osborne, Kun Woo Paik, Howard, Hough... 
Love it when it snows
On the next high tide, let's send millercarbon to camp out in the middle of St Mark's Square, Venice. 
Holy Brightness Batman!
@b_limo Don't forget Scanspeak soft domes, they're excellent too, if the ways you describe. 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Inspired by Batsashvili I embarked on a fairly long play-through of all my Liszt piano recital disks.Over half way, and so far the most lyrical and likeable has been I think John Browning in the Petrarch sonnets.Volodos's recital has amazing piano... 
Love it when it snows
People woke up to the ozone problem and even politicians (!!!) did something about it.  I guess this time round we're not so lucky.The before and after photos of the Arctic and Antarctic ice shields tell it all.  But I suppose those are fake, righ... 
Looking for Help with Speaker Jumper Cable Choice
Does JPS make jumpers?  Normally, it's optimal to use the same wire in the main cable and the jumper.Wireworld, for instance, makes jumpers at the different "levels" and can provide any mix of banana + spade.But I lie awake at night worrying wheth... 
Any success with an indoor FM antenna?
Do you have an attic?  Is it possible to mount something up there?A Magnum Dynalab antenna up there would do wonders. 
Looking for recommendations for a 'warm' sounding DAC
An R2R DAC with tubes.  MHDT, Tubadour, or Border Patrol.  
Looking for floorstading Non-tower speakers
I think you're on to something with the Lintons.  They have had a series of wonderful reviews, and I think they represent excellent value for money.  I believe you might be able to try them at home on a trial period from somewhere like Crutchfield. 
Upgrading a CD/SACD player with integral DAC
Brand new issue, just recently out. 
Why not put crossover networks in accessible compartments?
A few speakers used to come with the crossovers encased in an entirely separate box, that you then connected with multiple leads to the speaker itself.  You don't seen much of that anymore.  If I remember correctly, one reason stated was trying to... 
Focal Aria 948, Revel F208, Tekton Double Impact
OP Did you go to Audio Exchange or somewhere else?  If not AE, it's worth a visit as they have a good range of different-flavored speakers. 
Upgrading a CD/SACD player with integral DAC
@skyscraper If you're curious, there's a review of your Marantz in the February issue of Absolute Sound. 
For the most soothing sounds: https://www.etsy.com/listing/637434757/aceite-de-vibora-con-veneno-de-abeja?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_a-bath_and_beauty-skin_care-salves_and_balms&... 
Tube Buffer
There's also this. https://ifi-audio.com/products/micro-itube2/