

Responses from twoleftears

You know you are an Audiophile when:
You missed one.You visit Audiogon forum every day. 
Is there a magic formula for spending on components in a system
The percentages in the magic formula change according to the size of your overall budget.  One size doesn't fit all. 
Preview: CODA Technologies new generation number#8 Stereo Amplifier
What makes a fruit cake taste good (if there ever was one)?  This ingredient or that?  The quality of this ingredient or that?  The quantity of this or that?  The number of ingredients?  The order in which they were added to the mix?  The time it ... 
Why perfect speakers dont exist the truth revealed
It's a pity Christo passed; he would have been an ideal collaborator. 
Question for those that bolt their speakers to stands
Herbie's soft fat dots would be better than sorbothane. 
Seeking advice on Speakers that create an intimate 2 channel listening experience
Yes, there is a one-word reason to stay away from recent Quads--glue.If you want to elaborate on that it would be: third-party repairers who don't fulfil their promises. 
Amp and Preamp recommendations for Yamaha NS5000
To reiterate: if I had up to 20K to play with, though ideally a good deal less, I'd be looking at separates fromLuxmanAesthetixAyre 
Luxman M900U any experience ?
Just work through whitecamaross's long thread and look at all his comments on the m900U. 
Jazz for aficionados
Sidney Bechet switched over quite frequently.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tN2EurONieA&list=RDtN2EurONieA&start_radio=1&t=39 I was trying to find him doing Petite Fleur. 
100W, 200W, or 300W?
Don't rule out either the L-507uXII.  Another top contender would be the Aesthetix Mimas, which would again tame the B&Ws. 
Harbeth vs Vandersteen vs Sonner
100W is fine for all three. 
Yamaha A-S801 for Dynaudio Evoke 20
Search previous threads for comments on S801 here.https://forum.audiogon.com/search/index?query=S801&sort=date  
New speakers for turntable ($500 range)
A remarkable deal here:https://www.musicdirect.com/speakers/wharfedale-denton-80th-anniversary-bookshelf-speakers-pr but as others have said, you won't hear anything like their potential with that "amp". 
Harbeth Super HL5 Plus speakers & integrated amp pairing recommendations
Very interesting finding.Although the SHL5+ is a little below average at 86db sensitivity, its impedance curve is quite forgiving, and really more an 8ohm than 6ohm speaker.https://www.stereophile.com/content/harbeth-super-hl5plus-loudspeaker-meas... 
Putting weights on speakers?
Bring back the Bright Star Little Rock!!