Responses from twoleftears
Pass choice: INT250 vs X350.8 + He9 350W into 8, 700 into 4, shipping weight 145 lbs.Do you really need anything like all that power for the Yamahas?Someone posted the impedance curve measurement for them in one of your other threads, but I can't find it now. | |
JBL 4367 shoutiness remedies? A lot of people apply that automobile acoustic deadening material to the back side of horns (Klipsch). Would that work here to ameliorate the problem?BTW, Primare is good quality and that was dreadful, entirely self-serving advice from the store. | |
What will audiophiles do Different? Do I get to keep all the accumulated experience and hard-won knowledge from missteps and wrong turns? If so, I could save myself a bundle of $$. | |
Stereophile complains it's readers are too informed. If Toole were to test a group of fruit-eaters, durian would probably score very low--i.e. it would be rated as far away from the "standard" of good or acceptable flavor.Yet a few people really enjoy it.I get what Stereophile appears to be saying, ... | |
Harbeth 30.1 or 40.1 While I've only heard the SHL5+ in stores (e.g. in Seattle), it always struck me as cut from another cloth, and aiming to do something rather different. Just look at the drivers that it uses. I heard the 30.1's at CAF and thought them excellent ... | |
Harbeth 30.1 or 40.1 Vu of Deja Vu, who's a major Harbeth dealer, stated to me that the 40.2's needed 2' of clearance from side walls and 3' of clearance from front wall (behind them), all measured from the relevant edge of the cabinet. The experience of the gentleme... | |
Classical Music for Aficionados If you are listening to extra Beethoven this year, let me leave a plug here for Gustavo Dudamel's Eroica with the Simon Bolivar Symphony Orchestra of Venezuela. Excellent! And to my ears he and the orchestra really nail the famous slow movement. | |
What/who do you listen to that you feel is a bit of an unknown? Aldous Huxley tribute band? | |
You know you are an Audiophile when: When you never work on cars but buy an engine hoist cherry picker so it's easier to move monoblocks in and out the listening room. | |
Harbeth 30.1 or 40.1 The 40.2's at Deja Vu were, for me, the best audition--the best-sounding speakers--I've ever had in an audio store. After just a few seconds of a Beethoven piano concerto I let out a "wow". If I could have 75% of that at home I'd be a happy camp... | |
Who knows how to set up a bass swarm? (DBA) If a swallow summers in Spain and winters in North Africa, which continent is it from? | |
Anybody want a laugh? Synergistic Research "Acoustic ART" for the win (and excellent BBQ!). | |
Who, do you think, designs the best looking tube-based devices? Airtight: there's something about the understated approach and that particular shade of gun-metal grey. | |
Any tweaks I'm missing? Crystals suspended in gell inside little plastic "baggies" stuff inside receptacle boxes. Just ask Elizabeth... | |
Harbeth 30.1 or 40.1 Yes! One of the more significant changes from 40.1 to 40.2 had to do with the bass, which made the 40.2 a lot more room-friendly in terms of positioning vis-a-vis the 40.1. That being said, yours is a decent-sized room and if you have some leewa... |