
Responses from tweak1

Looking for a preamp with XLR connections
A. Don't trust anything ASR reports B. Ditto C. Ditto Now, just because a pre has both XLR I/Os doesn't necessarily mean it is true/differentially balanced, though it should. If you are patient, people post their Audio Alchemy DDP- 1 which is b... 
Best "Budget" / "bang for my buck" 2-channel amp and speakers can I get new?
you will find great components at excellent prices at Underwood HiFi. Their Warp One amp has gotten excellent reviews. I have their LSA Voyager 350 GaN amp, and their Emerald Physics 3.4s speakers, which they no longer make, but they sell some rea... 
Why do so many people have problems with bass?
My recent personal experience starts with my room, which is 24 x 35 x 12ft peak. Due to the layout of the room I am forced to sit slightly forward of the middle= zero back wall reinforcement. My speakers are Emerald Physics Open Baffle 3.4s, which... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Dixie Chicks DCX  
New Project RS2T transport
So sad FWIW, it’s 3 strikes and you’re out, though I got your meaning. Still... Anyway: A very close friend (been in the industry for 5 decades) who could easily afford the RST 2 bought the Pro-Ject DS3 CD player (maybe he knows something), "whi... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
John Denver Live from the Sydney Opera House  
Klipsch Heresy IV - not what I was expecting
@lofgren Wow, someone who listens to ATD: I have played ATD through many systems and found the dog in the back comes and goes(as does other intentionally out of phase easter eggs; the piano, the little girl/boy?, in the last cut the sports car n... 
High Fidelity Cables?
@glory   You’re not the only one to confuse RICK and RIC, who owns TweakAudio/EVS, who modifies a lot of kit as well as sells some tweaks FYI, I bought Graphene Enhanced Contact Enhancer from Mad Scientist Audio, who has US distribution, but o... 
Which pair of speakers changed your Hifi life?
@coralkong    Got a couple tips for you that really improved my 3.4s. If your jumper cable to the XOs is the same crappy supplied stock jumpers, upgrade them to something ~ 3ft each. Then get the XOs off the bases, which vibrate like crazy, and ... 
Which pair of speakers changed your Hifi life?
@coralkong    I have the EP 3.4s, which shares the same 12" coaxial woofer. It's really amazing, though I can use more bass on ~ 30% of my music. Do you still have the 2.8s?  
New Project RS2T transport
Glad to hear you hung in there, and with the exception of the puck, you are quite happy. However, every top loading mechanism I have owned (at least 4), the puck made contact with the disc; its job is to stabilize the disc and maintain proper dist... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Neil Diamond 12 Songs (sound is very life like)  
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Paul Simon Still Crazy After All These Years Eagles Hell Freezes Over  
Finding a specific cable
Definitely think outside the box for EXCELLENT cables at prices so low they make people question "how good can they be?" I made the plunge buying a coax cable to compare to my Pangea Premier XL ($169). The cable I bought (free shipping/return) was... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Rimsky Korsakov Scheherazade Living Stereo; Stravinsky- Song of the Nightingale : Reiner Chicago Symphony DSD layer