Responses from tweak1
Which component to upgrade 1st ? @carlsbad Were you referring to a specific dac/pre (Chord Hugo?) when you said basically ’avoid...’ I have an Audio Alchemy DDP-1, a dac/pre, and it is excellent. A side benefit is only one power cord needed, plus clears space in a rack | |
CD transports @jc4659 Still loving it FYI: I was listening last night, pushed pause, but when I hit play the display went dark, and nothing I did brought it back to life. I've had a similar issue with my comcast cable remote when the batteries are too weak. ... | |
Audiolab CDT 6000 Owners: Share the Love + Need help with time settings for Pause FYI: I was listening last night, pushed pause, but when I hit play it went into sleep mode (dark display) and wouldn't come out of it. I've had a similar issue with my comcast cable remote when the batteries are too weak. I use rechargeable batter... | |
Are Expensive Balanced Interconnects Necessary? Differentially Balanced kit means 2 totally independent channels (not touching each other), including 2 separate power supplies (one for each channel/L/R), but often a single PS is substituted. How critical 2 v 1 is I don't know, BUT,.... Doesn't... | |
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report Bettye Lavette Things Have Changed | |
New Jays Audio flagship cd transport @robshaw I had CEC transports, the big issue was the belts stretch regularly (unless they’ve corrected the cause) and the company prices replacements as though they are made of gold. I just checked the price of the Jays 3/3: GULP, but to use... | |
Has anyone had on of these CD players? How good are they? In the last 2 years I had 2 cd player laser mechanisms die; Pioneer PD 65 and Marantz HD CD -1. In both cases mechanisms were no longer available through the manufacturers. I managed to run down a mechanism for the HD-CD 1 BUT is was $150 + shipp... | |
Wendell Diller: "You don't wanna put a subwoofer with a Magneplanar; it doesn't work." Thanks for the excellent 411. Over a decade ago, I had Maggie 3.5Rs and original SVS Plus/Ultra subs but the originals were designed for HT, the plate amps volume control way to sensitive, thus I could NEVER get a seamless blend. Sold the 3.5Rs bo... | |
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report Live at the Sands Frank Sinatra | |
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report Madeline Peyroux Dreamland Ella Fitzgerald and Louie Armstrong For Lovers | |
outboard crossover users, how important is the hook up wire from crossover to drivers. EXTREMELY, depending on the jumpers that come with them, and your speaker cables. Case in point: Emerald Physics Open Baffle's weakest link was the pathetic quality of the supplied jumpers for 2 reasons 1. the pathetically cheap jumpers sounded ... | |
Looking for a preamp with XLR connections @styleman Several others already answered your question | |
What Is Most Important? Over the last month I replaced/updated my entire system’s cables, ICs, PCs and speaker from very well known and well reviewed company, PLUS, some 10 yo+ PCs from a boutique company to Nordost knock-offs from China. Like most of us I proceeded caut... | |
Upgrading Jaonb, et al... To say that all cables sound alike is pure.... choose a derogatory word Case in point: Over the last month I replaced/updated my entire system’s cables, ICs, PCs and speaker from very well known and well reviewed company, PLUS, s... | |
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report Allman Brothers 20th Anniversary Millennial Collection Willie Nelson Borderline |