
Responses from tweak1

Which component to upgrade 1st ?
@carlsbad   Were you referring to a specific dac/pre (Chord Hugo?) when you said basically ’avoid...’ I have an Audio Alchemy DDP-1, a dac/pre, and it is excellent. A side benefit is only one power cord needed, plus clears space in a rack  
CD transports
@jc4659  Still loving it FYI: I was listening last night, pushed pause, but when I hit play the display went dark, and nothing I did brought it back to life. I've had a similar issue with my comcast cable remote when the batteries are too weak. ... 
Audiolab CDT 6000 Owners: Share the Love + Need help with time settings for Pause
FYI: I was listening last night, pushed pause, but when I hit play it went into sleep mode (dark display) and wouldn't come out of it. I've had a similar issue with my comcast cable remote when the batteries are too weak. I use rechargeable batter... 
Are Expensive Balanced Interconnects Necessary?
Differentially Balanced kit means 2 totally independent channels (not touching each other), including 2 separate power supplies (one for each channel/L/R), but often a single PS is substituted. How critical 2 v 1 is I don't know, BUT,.... Doesn't... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Bettye Lavette Things Have Changed  
New Jays Audio flagship cd transport
@robshaw   I had CEC transports, the big issue was the belts stretch regularly (unless they’ve corrected the cause) and the company prices replacements as though they are made of gold. I just checked the price of the Jays 3/3: GULP, but to use... 
Has anyone had on of these CD players? How good are they?
In the last 2 years I had 2 cd player laser mechanisms die; Pioneer PD 65  and Marantz HD CD -1. In both cases mechanisms were no longer available through the manufacturers. I managed to run down a mechanism for the HD-CD 1 BUT is was $150 + shipp... 
Wendell Diller: "You don't wanna put a subwoofer with a Magneplanar; it doesn't work."
Thanks for the excellent 411. Over a decade ago, I had Maggie 3.5Rs and original SVS Plus/Ultra subs but the originals were designed for HT, the plate amps volume control way to sensitive, thus I could NEVER get a seamless blend. Sold the 3.5Rs bo... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Live at the Sands Frank Sinatra  
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Madeline Peyroux Dreamland Ella Fitzgerald and Louie Armstrong For Lovers  
outboard crossover users, how important is the hook up wire from crossover to drivers.
EXTREMELY, depending on the jumpers that come with them, and your speaker cables. Case in point: Emerald Physics Open Baffle's weakest link was the pathetic quality of the supplied jumpers for 2 reasons 1. the pathetically cheap jumpers sounded ... 
Looking for a preamp with XLR connections
@styleman    Several others already answered your question  
What Is Most Important?
Over the last month I replaced/updated my entire system’s cables, ICs, PCs and speaker from very well known and well reviewed company, PLUS, some 10 yo+ PCs from a boutique company to Nordost knock-offs from China. Like most of us I proceeded caut... 
Jaonb, et al... To say that all cables sound alike is pure.... choose a derogatory word Case in point: Over the last month I replaced/updated my entire system’s cables, ICs, PCs and speaker from very well known and well reviewed company, PLUS, s... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Allman Brothers 20th Anniversary Millennial Collection Willie Nelson Borderline