Responses from tweak1
Isolation Springs Deal Yes, they are great value. I bought them after reading the thread here on how to mix the springs based on weight of component: sorry I don't have the link. I have probably 6 sets to sell because I moved up in price to gain even better results | |
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report Billy Joel 2 disc set | |
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing @tinear123 Really nice Would love to hear it | |
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing @pstores While I agree with many of your points, consider that ALL aftermarket improvements to engines/suspensions... happened because of DIYers who had the intellect to see the shortcomings in the OEM design and the ability to improve on them, ... | |
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing @charles1dad A couple years ago Ric came out with his EVS 1200, based on the same IcePower modules that PS Audio eventually came out with using the same modules in their M1200s 9but at ~ 3Xs the price). Ric made a lot of improvements to the m... | |
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing @ricevs +1 on your comment about which Peachtree amp My own extensive experience with my Voyager GaN 350 (said to be the same as the Peachtree) is that is chameleon-like: a change of vibration control devices (the OEMS suck the life out of the ... | |
A rookie with 10K, seeking advise your speakers and amp are just fine. What is your source? | |
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report Ray Charles; Duets and Greatest Hits | |
Amplifier recommendation @holmz +1 Ralph (aka Atmosphere) has a long history of building outstanding tube gear, and if one can afford them, go for it. I am not in that league, but have owned lots tube amps, preamps, even cd players, but am 100% content with my LSA Vo... | |
Recommendation on speakers for listening to live music Im not a maggie fan, but have owned a bunch of open baffle speakers, including my current fav of 3 years, Emerald Physics 3.4s. Want something current check out GR Research | |
Shave your CDs I own one and it works great (but very messy as shavings quickly fill the inside). Also, caution is needed when seating the cutter or it CAN dig too deep and fracture the disc. GENTLE PERSUASION is the key to success | |
We Can Make Classic Cars Outperform Today's "SuperCars": Why Not Vintage Audio? @waytoomuchstuff I have a disc cutter and while it works great, you know how messy it is. Are you aware of Machina Dynamica NEW DARK MATTER? It works in any cd player tray. Simply cut to shape lay down (in the lowest part of the tray) with do... | |
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing @ghdprentice +1 ON HIS BS OF EXPECTING TO HATE THEM | |
New Project RS2T transport Oops! That's was supposed to read Odin 2 Gold power cord. FYI, I do have a Pangea Premier XL 1.5m (MSRP $169) for sale to more than get you by |