Responses from truman
Sistrum SP101 Platforms - under floor standers I think it makes the sound, sound as if the speaker is floating in space - which I like. The irony is that the theory has the speaker properly grounded. I really don't understand any of it except the brass points are top notch in hardness and shar... | |
Help me get the best sound under $5K in upgrades I've found the Maggies to need volume to come alive....that doesn't sound like acoustic music/folk to me. Be sure to audition the Maggies at low volumes. Going toward more efficient speakers might be a good move toward low volume transparency. Tan... | |
Beware How I was ripped off Sorry to hear. Yes, there are more and more scammers. Best to see that they have lots of positive feedback over a number of years and no negative feedback. Paypal can help protect buyers. Also lots of cable counterfeiters. Look at their early tran... | |
Best Dac under $600... New or used As a tubeophile, I found the benchmark to be too stark, too detailed on the detailed - musical continuum scale. I'd suggest the Eastern Electric MiniMax I with upgraded op amps and an upgraded 12AU7 type tube for $600 used with a volume control.Ve... | |
Need some help-eliminating hum I concur that your cables are exhibiting causal evidence. I don't think it's too strong a statement to say that phono cables need to be shielded. Since they are picking up hum from some nearby power supply/transformer, most likely from a power amp... | |
Need a repair shop for Belles 200 power amp Modular Electronics, Roswell, GA. 770-410-1122Benny has saved me a number of times! McIntosh qualified shop with very reasonable rates and warranted quality work. Good guy too. Very Highly Recommended. Truman/Atlanta | |
Music loving friend needs help -- thanks Squeeebox Touch! Includes DAC, internet radio, pandora, XM/Sirius (with fee),BBC, Live Music Archives, many more apps. All with just the touch of a finger. Uses his computer with iTunes so he can buy new music too. -I think this was the best inven... | |
Analyzing the power from the outlet My PS Audio P-10, $3000 used approx. regenerator has a screen showing about 3% distortion and 118.5 volts which it reduces to .1% distortion @ 120.1 V. I can hear the difference and it's worth it to me (I have two.). Because this is a high price t... | |
Pre-Amp for Class D Amp Yes, tube active, lush even, to round out stark but clear class D and detailed B&W. Maybe Conrad-Johnson. Perhaps a pre which uses 6SN7's. Cary SLP-98. Stay away from passive pre's with D class amps. | |
High end dealers around London, UK? cont.)Croft Dealer in London:Walrus Systems11 New Quebec St.LondonW1H 7RW Phone:- 0207 7247224Fax:- 0207 7244347 Website:- | |
High end dealers around London, UK? my experience, Croft is hard-to-beat UK equipment. One by one, hand wired point-to-point minimalist design. Reasonably priced, Bullet proof and just sounds right. Tubes and tube/hybrid designs.... | |
Looking for integrated amp with phono for starter Croft! Excellent recommendation. I'll second that. | |
What is This Noise? Loved the Soup suggestion. Although static is never good for digital, I suspect the first answer is correct and the laser just needs to be cleaned. Didn't you just have a monster dust storm? Well, it's probably dusty enough there just normally. So... | |
What would cause... I'm sure you've already checked the tonearm wire connections so I'd take it back asap. You don't want to buy a problem. If you take things back right away, they'll probably replace it with a new one. If not, you'll probably have to wait for them t... | |
Audio Research SP17 or Modwright LS100? -Great advice, Dad. Paradoxically, the more you get into this interest with reviews & opinions the more clouded can your assessments become. Try to ignore the price tags and just purely listen. "Only by keeping it simple can the most complex b... |