
Responses from truman

Sistrum SP101 Platforms - under floor standers
I think it makes the sound, sound as if the speaker is floating in space - which I like. The irony is that the theory has the speaker properly grounded. I really don't understand any of it except the brass points are top notch in hardness and shar... 
Help me get the best sound under $5K in upgrades
I've found the Maggies to need volume to come alive....that doesn't sound like acoustic music/folk to me. Be sure to audition the Maggies at low volumes. Going toward more efficient speakers might be a good move toward low volume transparency. Tan... 
Beware How I was ripped off
Sorry to hear. Yes, there are more and more scammers. Best to see that they have lots of positive feedback over a number of years and no negative feedback. Paypal can help protect buyers. Also lots of cable counterfeiters. Look at their early tran... 
Best Dac under $600... New or used
As a tubeophile, I found the benchmark to be too stark, too detailed on the detailed - musical continuum scale. I'd suggest the Eastern Electric MiniMax I with upgraded op amps and an upgraded 12AU7 type tube for $600 used with a volume control.Ve... 
Need some help-eliminating hum
I concur that your cables are exhibiting causal evidence. I don't think it's too strong a statement to say that phono cables need to be shielded. Since they are picking up hum from some nearby power supply/transformer, most likely from a power amp... 
Need a repair shop for Belles 200 power amp
Modular Electronics, Roswell, GA. 770-410-1122Benny has saved me a number of times! McIntosh qualified shop with very reasonable rates and warranted quality work. Good guy too. Very Highly Recommended. Truman/Atlanta 
Music loving friend needs help -- thanks
Squeeebox Touch! Includes DAC, internet radio, pandora, XM/Sirius (with fee),BBC, Live Music Archives, many more apps. All with just the touch of a finger. Uses his computer with iTunes so he can buy new music too. -I think this was the best inven... 
Analyzing the power from the outlet
My PS Audio P-10, $3000 used approx. regenerator has a screen showing about 3% distortion and 118.5 volts which it reduces to .1% distortion @ 120.1 V. I can hear the difference and it's worth it to me (I have two.). Because this is a high price t... 
Pre-Amp for Class D Amp
Yes, tube active, lush even, to round out stark but clear class D and detailed B&W. Maybe Conrad-Johnson. Perhaps a pre which uses 6SN7's. Cary SLP-98. Stay away from passive pre's with D class amps. 
High end dealers around London, UK?
cont.)Croft Dealer in London:Walrus Systems11 New Quebec St.LondonW1H 7RW Phone:- 0207 7247224Fax:- 0207 7244347 Website:- 
High end dealers around London, UK? my experience, Croft is hard-to-beat UK equipment. One by one, hand wired point-to-point minimalist design. Reasonably priced, Bullet proof and just sounds right. Tubes and tube/hybrid designs.... 
Looking for integrated amp with phono for starter
Croft! Excellent recommendation. I'll second that. 
What is This Noise?
Loved the Soup suggestion. Although static is never good for digital, I suspect the first answer is correct and the laser just needs to be cleaned. Didn't you just have a monster dust storm? Well, it's probably dusty enough there just normally. So... 
What would cause...
I'm sure you've already checked the tonearm wire connections so I'd take it back asap. You don't want to buy a problem. If you take things back right away, they'll probably replace it with a new one. If not, you'll probably have to wait for them t... 
Audio Research SP17 or Modwright LS100?
-Great advice, Dad. Paradoxically, the more you get into this interest with reviews & opinions the more clouded can your assessments become. Try to ignore the price tags and just purely listen. "Only by keeping it simple can the most complex b...