
Responses from truman

Tube Research Labs Latest Dude Preamp
Piling on late, but I too can heap praise upon Paul. Great guy, always fair, honest and helpful in my experience. I'm a satisfied TRL owner.Truman/Atlanta 
MM cartridge comparable to a Benz L2
Yes, you're asking too much of a $200 MM cartridge. Why would you even look for a cheap cartridge to go with your esoteric equipment?-Your hum is probably a whole different issue.- Anyway, I can suggest that you look in the direction of the Sounds... 
Joule Eletra LA 100 MKIII
One doesn't generally bias tubes in a preamp. 
Solid State to Tubes and Back Again
I can't help but think of a hybrid amp as I read this thread. You may have missed a fine opportunity with the recent sale of the Pathos Classic Mk III for $1250. The Peachtree Audio hybrid for about the same price includes the remarkable Sabre DAC... 
El cheapo sleeper amps....
Absolutely. Refurbished Scott, Dynaco, Eico, Heathkit, Knight, Hammond organ, etc. vintage tube amps.You don't have to turn it up to loud levels to hear full sound and decent bass. Tubes are the low cost way to get harmonics/which IMHO is the hear... 
Tube amp for double stacked Large Advents
Large Quicksilver monoblocks (KT-88) have have speaker connections for 8, 4, even 1 ohm. They could drive them quite well I should think. // I have Quicksilvers, long ago used to have Large Advents - which I ran with McIntosh amps, another idea. 
FM Antenna question
F.Y.I.I found a grounded (& it's grounded into your equipment if connected) antenna in my attic worked pretty much like a lightening rod! Lightning hit the corner of my house, fortunately charring it only, then travelled down to fry the tuner ... 
6ER5 Tube Question - Wright WPP 100 Phono Stage
My impression, from speaking with him, was that this was his preferred, smoother tube but that it was becoming difficult to find enough NOS. I left with the impression that his is the primary reason why he came up with the WPP200 which uses 5963/1... 
good tube amp match for maggie 1.7's?
Big Quicksilvers run them nicely. 
45's in George Wright 2A3 3.5's?
Very good!Thank you, gentlemen. 
The difference between impedance and resistance
Holy shit.Great answer.I always wondered about this.Thank you very much, Al!Sincerely,Truman 
Bryston 4Bsst2 or 7Bsst2 and Anthony Gallo 3.1
Well, having owned (twice now) the Gallo Nucleus Reference (2 "balls", anodized aluminum from a solid aluminum 1 ft. cube block, i.e. ceramic/no energy storage) I'd like to hear how the newer iterations sound in comparison. Anyone? They do take so... 
Still lost at sea?
Ya, Happy Wife, Happy Life. Ha.But reading this, with all this experience to tap, I find myself asking, almost out loud, "What was your stand out pre, cart., amp, speaker, etc?" -Or is that another thread?So, I'll start by saying the Quicksilver F... 
Shipping to Mexico?
Wow! Question for Porschecab: Why no paypal? Would it, for instance, allow the buyer to claim damage then leave you to sort out/dance (endlessly) with the claim and yet still keep the merchandise? (Don't ask me why I ask this- although domesticall... 
Who makes a good CD recorder?
Here's the best stand-alone recorder I've heard: Reality Check CD Audiophile Grade Duplicator from George Louis; It only copies at 4Xso they take about 12 - 15 minutes each. It somehow makes the copies sound better than the or...