
Responses from truman

Need preamp recommendation
The best Wyetech Labs Preamp you can afford.  
Best integrated tube amplifier, under $3,000.00. No phono needed. Could be used, too.d
It’s a bit of a stretch, but I’d go for the Pathos Acoustics Twin Tower integrated amp just listed this morning 12/7. Ideally, you could negotiate toward your price and hopefully, you are fairly close because I could see it getting damaged in ship... 
Which stereo amp to try under $30k
You should be able to get great bass now with the McIntosh (the Grateful Dead always did). I've always thought the Nordost line sounded bright. Try different cables - which, I know, is another entire thread.  
Recommendations for a new integrated amp for Vandersteen 3a speakers
I'd suggest the AMR AM-777 ($6000) listed here on audiogon used for $1500. Very good sounding integrated! Great deal.  
Wow! Hard to believe how Good this sounds!
If you are enjoying the way your system sounds, why not let the builder know! Many of us have boutique builders of amps, preamps or speakers that would appreciate knowing that their life-efforts are so rewarding to others. Just this last Friday, I... 
Most impressive small footprint speaker
The Meadowlark Shearwaters were a great, small footprint floor stander. The still-current Living Voice are certainly candidates. 
The best speaker for a small any price point.
Pulsars, but look at the Usher lineup. Oh, Living Voice too. 
Why all or most audiophiles are men?
Women like to talk. Men like to listen. Example: In your experience, how long will a woman remain silent/not check her phone when having a listen to your special system? Not long. - No interest.Women will have background music, just on low enough ... 
What equipment have you bought this year so far ?
Finding good value buying Croft GCI integrated and Croft separates. Hand made, point-to-point, valve hybrids for the best of both worlds. Acoustic BBQ USB and Schroder interconnects made a noticeable improvement over Analysis-Plus. 
***Going Insane***End Game Speakers***Harbeth Verity or Living Voice***
I'm a fan/owner of Living Voice speakers, finding them to present a big soundstage with relaxed sound, small footprint & good efficiency (94db.).The Avatar is probably the best value in the line. "Keepers" as they are rarely seen for sale.-The... 
Problem related to Push-Pull or EL34?
Pleased that OP has tangentially, but nonetheless, highlighted how good E-84's can sound. One of my favorite output tubes that "doesn't get the press it deserves". And, yes, it does have nice rich bass that often warrants a "double take".EL-34's o... 
Best indoor FM antenna, your experience.
I live in a bit of a low spot in the topography (creek in side yard) & so placed a big directional antennae in the attic (so big I had to build it up there). This worked quite well until the corner of the house was hit by lightning (even with ... 
$10k DAC in a 3k system?
I think Jond hit the nail on the head. DAC's are the fastest evolving - and the fastest depreciating audio equipment category. In my experience, you are going to want to buy used....and you will still lose money. Trickle down has made most lower p... 
I'm selling speakers for the first time and concerned about fraud
Ditto the above counterfeit check (personal) experience of Audio Limits. Look, these crooks are getting so sophisticated that banks say they've cleared...and yes, the bank lobbyists have written into laws that even up to a year later the bank can ... 
Ever Bought an Audio Product that was Stupid Good for the Money?
Logitech Squeezebox. $299 ea. Transferred my whole iTunes music library to any system in the, internet digital out. New Sierra 10.12 operating system doesn’t load up though. Help!