
Responses from tooter

Short floorstanders?
Devore Fidelity Gibbon 8 
Acoustic Zen Silver Bytes digital cable
Don't mean to complicate things but recently I saw an A'goner here selling a Silver Byte and in the ad claimed that Acoustic Zen told him/her that when using RCA connectors the Silver Byte was superior to the MC2 which was really designed for bala... 
Benjamin Britten Songs
If you're interested in some of his symphonic stuff check out the "Four Sea Interludes from Peter Grimes" These vivid tone poems are interludes (orchestra only) taken from his opera "Peter Grimes". 
Benjamin Britten Songs
Rushton's recommendations are all excellent. I would add "Les Illuminations" to his list. It is an orchestral song cycle, solo voice and orchestra. I recently picked up a Naxos disk of Britten Orchestral Songs which include Les Illuminations, Quat... 
Audio Research research
Check out - a well organized site.Good luck! 
What is it called?
Check out the Luminous Audio Axiom.Good luck. 
Need quality flexible power cord for CD player....
Check out the Blue Circle power cords, BC61 & BC62. Extremely easy to work/maneuver with. I'm not familiar with the Audience power cords other than their great reviews so I can't compare directly, but the Blue Circle pcs have made great improv... 
CD player - skips and static pops ... related?
In case anyone is still following this thread ... I tried some compressed air on the lens and it seems to have done the trick, no skipping for a week, fingers crossed, knock on wood. The popping also has abated since moving a humidifier into my li... 
CD player - skips and static pops ... related?
Somebody just posted a thread about occasional pops heard through his/her speakers thinking that maybe static electricity could be causing this. A fellow a'goner responded supporting this. I wonder if I am experiencing this also. I live in NYC whe... 
CD player - skips and static pops ... related?
I think I will try the compressed air first. If that doesn't work then the q-tip/alcohol route. Hopefully that will do the trick.Gs5556 - my first hunch was what you are describing - arcing. Hopefully we're wrong, and a lens cleaning will do the j... 
tall speaker in small room???
I'm with Newbee on this one. I'm using Taylo reference monitors in a room that's 13x23x8 and they do a great job. Occasionally they poop out on loud big orchestral stuff but for the most part they are amazing speakers. Tyler makes great stuff! 
CD player - skips and static pops ... related?
Thanks for the responses.Elizabeth - what constitutes a "abit of soft material" Would a q-tip do the trick? I'm afraid to scratch the lens.Is it safe to use the compressed air on the lens? 
favorite SOPRANO?
Dawn Upshaw gets my vote. She may not have the most "gorgeous" soprano voice but she has an intelligence to her musicality that's amazing. 
Sorry - a couple more newbie analog questions
Well, I spoke with the maker of my Herbie's mat. He claims that it is perfectly safe to change records while the table/platter remain on. I have decided however after considering all the posts above to just go ahead and turn it of each time. I liv... 
Sorry - a couple more newbie analog questions
Mike - that's interesting. My Goldring GR1 is made by Rega and is basically a P2, slightly different plinth I believe, but the instructions it came with mention nothing about leaving on/off. I guess my worries are two fold - extra wear on the moto...