
Responses from tonyptony

Shahinian Obelisk Passive Radiator Replacement
Zymaze, how did things turn out? 
Shahinian Obelisk Passive Radiator Replacement
Zymaze, now that you've gotten a number of responses I will be more direct - everyone here is exactly on target. If the woofer and top drivers are in good shape (even if the woofers need replacing!) you've gotten maybe the deal of the century. Don... 
Shahinian Obelisk Passive Radiator Replacement
Zymaze, these passives went through a number of design changes. If the passives are missing I'm going to guess they were the older white ones with foam-like surrounds; these will have deteriorated over time. The current ones are black with hybrid ... 
Proceed PDT 3/PDP 3
Bdl, this question of how the best of the older gear sounds compared to the newer stuff has come up before. I still use a PDT3 myself into a different D/A. I've heard newer one box CD players, some at faitly high prices. I'm honestly not sure if w... 
Who has the best plasma monitor these days
Wader, move now if possible. The 1150HDs are drying up fast. Vanns and Tweeter may still have them; if so they should be selling for around $2100-$2200. 
Who has the best plasma monitor these days
Starting with the '09-'10 models they will be outsourcing the production of the glass to Matsushita (Panasonic). Panny has a much more efficient process for fabricating the glass. The ones built for Pioneer will be built to Pioneer's specs, with t... 
Who has the best plasma monitor these days
It's a great set; it should serve us very well for quite some time! Bottom line is the only thing better will probably be the 50" Elite coming out in July, and that will be twice the price of what an 1150HD is going for now (if not more). That's a... 
Anything under 3 years is just flirting....
17+ years. Shahinian Diapasons. Many others have tried to move them aside. They're still here. 
Who has the best plasma monitor these days
I wound up doing the same thing. Got my 1150HD delivered yesterday. Didn't need 1080p (at my viewing distance), and the price was right. Looks great. Even standard def programming is not too bad! But the HD is awesome. 
RIP Oscar Peterson
BTW, it only occurred to me now that someone might think I just fell out of a whiskey barrell or something. :-) Yes, I do know that he did pass some time ago. My previous post may be a bit misleading in that regard. 
RIP Oscar Peterson
Sad news indeed. I remember hearing Oscar on the radio when I was in college. I immediately took a liking to his unique abilities on the piano. After I started working I was in Waterbury, CT for a while to handle some offsite work. I was there wit... 
Sonny Rollins
Gary, did you also post on AC about this? I'll add my two cents here anyway. I saw him last year at the Kimmel Center in Philly. Ripped the place apart! And I like that he is now offering his own music direct. He made a small remark about if we bo... 
Anyone optimized their ModWright Transporter yet?
I've been hoping for a good comparison of the Modwright Transporter vs. the APL version. Both Dan and Alex have done great work. It would be very interesting to see a throwdown between the two. 
Second failure of new amplifier
I suppose it's also possible that even like-type NOS tubes may have caused the problem even if they were good. But that would presume the amp had no autobias, or that it was not rebiased when the NOS tubes were put in, AND that a scenario like tha... 
SB3 using external DAC on Cambridge Audio 840C?
I tried this too. If you go over the the Digital forum and look at the current 840C thread you'll see what I wrote. While I felt ultimately that my current DAC worked better in my system, I think the 840C could be just the ticket in someone else's...