

Responses from tony1954

HT Bypass Vs Input selection Integrated Amp
@mullster  I have the Musical Fidelity M6si and I like it, but there are certainly a lot of good options depending on what you need and like.  
HT Bypass Vs Input selection Integrated Amp
If you do decide to do it right and use HT bypass, here is a list of the amplifiers that support HT bypass.   http://www.audiophile.no/en/articles-tests-reviews/item/426-amplifiers-with-processor-input    
Best Full-Function Preamplifier
@inna  Maybe you're right. Or maybe you just like to play the part.  
Best Full-Function Preamplifier
"$20k would be enough for reference level power cord, maybe." Probably the most elitist, pompous and pretentious comment every posted on this forum.   
I stream 24/7. Do you?
@nrenter  Me too. I sleep, then I get up around 3:00am to stream.  
The greatest Pop song yet written and recorded.
Now that I have had some time to think about it. Here are a few fabulous pop songs. To me, "pop songs" are light, bouncy and really have nothing dramatic to say. "A,B,C" The Jackson 5 "Mama Mia" ABBA "Dancing Queen" ABBA "Eight Days a Week" T... 
Fraudulent sale on eBay
@markalarsen  "Not Xenophobic, just not naive. This is based on my experience as a trial lawyer" So you are judging the country based on its criminals? And I should trust the word of a lawyer? That's hilarious.       
Magnepan 1.7 I speaker sock ???
@autospec  What's the problem with sending an email? The days of just calling someone for immediate help are disappearing and you need to accept it as fact and move on. You are only punishing yourself.    
? about Smoking Power Amp
I feel like you need to take a look at the bigger picture here. It’s a cheap amp that poses a possible fire hazard. Surely you don’t think that your particular Sony TA-N721 is something special and won’t sound exactly the same as any other Sony TA... 
The greatest Pop song yet written and recorded.
@mrskeptic  "As with any type of art, music is 100% subjective and for people to say "so and so is the greatest song (of any type) ever", is silly and pointless." You may be right, but that isn't the point. The point is to have the discussion an... 
The greatest Pop song yet written and recorded.
Well, if you want the greatest "pop" song, then the first one that comes to mind is "Manic Monday" by The Bangles. Pure pop.    
Multiple DVD Players
Wow. Six DVD players, VCR inputs? It's like watching "Back to the Future". I believe the reason you can't find a solution is because the world has moved on and there is no profit to be made in outdated technology.    
Fraudulent sale on eBay
"Assume anything you buy from Hong Kong in counterfeit " Xenophobic? I don't think it is ethical to paint an entire country as dishonest and out to scam everyone. Believe me. There are con artists and scammers in every country.  
All-In-One (NAD C-658) vs NODE N130 with Separate DAC and Headphone Amp
Personally, I would stick with the separate components, instead of going with the all-in-one NAD. It will allow you to improve your system, one piece at a time, especially if you want a better dac than is provided in an integrated amp. As far as... 
DH Labs power cables
@jasonbourne71  "Another case of "I bought and installed the new cable and the sound improved markedly!" Unless you did a blind test with someone helping to make the switch all bets are off! As Perry Mason would say "Not admissable in Court"." W...