

Responses from tony1954

Heavy Vinyl
@grinnell "Did you ever hear the 3 sided album on one LP? One side has 2 tracks Monty Python’s Matching Tie and Handkerchief" Being the early 1970’s, certain smokable substances were consumed and the stunned confusion that ensued when a comple... 
New Speaker advice
@mattsaunders2000  I agree with everyone that using the Denon is spoiling the experience, but adding a preamp with HT bypass is the wrong approach in that you will be powering your two channel with the Denon power amp. You need to add a proper i... 
Question: What are some of your best pieces of advise to someone new to the hobby?
@secretguy  "Pay no attention to forums like this." I assume this comment is tongue in cheek, but just in case it isn't, I have a  different take on this. I believe there is gold mine of information available on this site, if one is capable of ... 
Fraudulent sale on eBay
@markalarsen  Well, that is certainly something a lawyer would know about.  
Cable management....crossing at right angles or
@ghdprentice  Thanks (I think??)  
Contact for Price
I have run into this and I feel the same way. Just something about it that rubs me the wrong way. Don't know why, but it just seems "shady".  
speakers for small room
@digsmithd  Sounds very familiar. ATC SCM19's in a 12' x 20' room powered by 220 wpc. Works for me.  
Cable management....crossing at right angles or
@ghdprentice  I do know it is low on the totem pole of audio tweaks, but my anal personality can't just forget about it. Every time I sit down to listen, I know it is lurking in the background. I can almost hear it snickering at me during the qui... 
Fraudulent sale on eBay
So the US doesn't have criminals or counterfeiters?  You can couch your comments in pro-American jargon, but you live in a glass house and shouldn't be throwing stones. I do not dispute that China contributes to worldwide counterfeiting, it's th... 
Cable management....crossing at right angles or
I wish I had a dollar for every time I have had to reconfigure my rack and have vowed that this time the result will be neat and organized, only to end up in the same place. A rats nest of wires with no discernible pattern.   
Corner base trap- to the ceiling?
"I guess bass sound waves more so accumulate in the lower side of a room, but don’t a lot of these pressure amplitudes reach the upper half?" Traditional cone based speakers radiate sound in an expanding circle so the sound fills the entire space... 
Tune of the Day
Tim Buckley "Sweet Surrender" or "Make It Right". I can't decide.  
How Has Your Finely Tuned Audiophile Dexterity Helped You in Your "Other" Life?
I know it hasn't helped my golf game. Except I've found I can distinguish the tree species by the sound my ball makes hitting it.    
Pink Floyd Aficionados
"Get a pair of Quad 57's!" Very "on topic" comment.  
@raysmtb1 In general, I agree with the clothing analogy, but I think a food recipe might be more accurate, in that it allows for more precise tweaking. With clothes you are stuck with the subject person’s size, shape and appearance and face it,...