

Responses from tony1954

Fraudulent sale on eBay
So the US doesn't have criminals or counterfeiters?  You can couch your comments in pro-American jargon, but you live in a glass house and shouldn't be throwing stones. I do not dispute that China contributes to worldwide counterfeiting, it's th... 
Cable management....crossing at right angles or
I wish I had a dollar for every time I have had to reconfigure my rack and have vowed that this time the result will be neat and organized, only to end up in the same place. A rats nest of wires with no discernible pattern.   
Corner base trap- to the ceiling?
"I guess bass sound waves more so accumulate in the lower side of a room, but don’t a lot of these pressure amplitudes reach the upper half?" Traditional cone based speakers radiate sound in an expanding circle so the sound fills the entire space... 
Tune of the Day
Tim Buckley "Sweet Surrender" or "Make It Right". I can't decide.  
How Has Your Finely Tuned Audiophile Dexterity Helped You in Your "Other" Life?
I know it hasn't helped my golf game. Except I've found I can distinguish the tree species by the sound my ball makes hitting it.    
Pink Floyd Aficionados
"Get a pair of Quad 57's!" Very "on topic" comment.  
@raysmtb1 In general, I agree with the clothing analogy, but I think a food recipe might be more accurate, in that it allows for more precise tweaking. With clothes you are stuck with the subject person’s size, shape and appearance and face it,... 
Hearing aids
Despite some upper frequency loss and mild tinnitus, one thing I have always been curious about is the sound quality. From what I have read, a hearing aid is comprised of three components. A microphone, an amplifier and a speaker. The goal has al... 
So... this is 2st century R&R entertainment?
The Sphere is only a canvas. It's up to future visual artists to marry it to the performance in a way that enhances the experience.    
One key to building great systems over time.
@ghdprentice  "you will read many posts extolling the superiority of lessor gear. There can be many reasons… the persons current value in sound, inexperience in listening, etc. also, there are lots of folks that simply say the kind of gear I am t... 
One key to building great systems over time.
"I am talking about companies like Conrad Johnson, Audio Research, Boulder, Pass, Wilson, Sonus Faber, Rowland, Aurrender, Magico, Transparent. That is not an exhaustive list." Thanks for the advise to buy expensive, high quality equipment to get... 
I saw the back of an integrated and it depressed me.
@tylermunns  The fact that you anticipated this response can only be seen as a validation of its accuracy.    
I saw the back of an integrated and it depressed me.
"Our DVD/VHS player is YPbPr & RCA output. Some stuff is only viewable on DVD and/or VHS." I'm sorry, but you really have to join the 21st century. It's not reasonable to expect manufacturers to pander to technology dinosaurs that refuse to ... 
unclassifiable, original music, and impossible to define in simple terms...
Mongolian Heavy Metal. This is certainly something I had no idea existed, but I find it strangely hypnotic. https://youtu.be/jM8dCGIm6yc?feature=shared  
Would you choose 1 ou 2 subwoofers for a stereo set?
Do some research into distributed bass arrays. There are numerous discussions on this forum, plus plenty of supporting articles online. The basic idea is to use 4 or more subs placed asymmetrically around the room to flood the room with the low f...