

Responses from tomic601

Fee for home audition
@ghasley Always the voice of reason and a cultivator of relationship and trust vs. the shallow transactional view of an ART obsession we chase in the service of music reproduction. I amassed 12 phono stages …at home for a week long trial….. thru ... 
Best Preamp to Pair with Acurus A-250 and Vandersteen 3 Signature Speakers
I owned 3A-SIG for ten years…. there are many competently engineered amplifiers that drive them well. The Odyssey is certainly one and an excellent value. Anything Nelson Pass made in 100 wpc range. I used a Mac, Ayre, Quicksilvers, Aesthetix…and ... 
What's A Good Upgrade From A Manley Steelhead?
To the OP - of course you have excellent speakers ;-)  i would be way more inclined to really work over your Debut / Arm / Cartridge because you have an extremely competent phonostage…but IF the music doesn’t make it to ANY phono stage…. well you ... 
What are some good things to do when going to an audition
SPL meter…….  
Which ARC ref linestage to try: Ref3, Ref5, Ref5SE? HATE forward sounding systems
forgot to agree level matching is essential…dismal how so few know this w good tools….. the ear / brain….just loves gain….volume…loudness…….  
Which ARC ref linestage to try: Ref3, Ref5, Ref5SE? HATE forward sounding systems
For what it’s worth, massive as they might be the Ref series benefit from HRS grade isolation…and a great NOS 6550 in the Power supply ( i run 1960’s Tung Sol - NJ USA in my 5se. It works for me, drives a 8m balanced cable out to SS or Hybrid mono... 
Best Preamp to Pair with Acurus A-250 and Vandersteen 3 Signature Speakers
My brother gets fantastic sound in his Vandersteen 3A -Signature digital system w an Audio Research SP -17 Tube preamp into a Threshold SS power amp. I like tube preamps but Ayre makes a fantastic SS preamp . You might consider posting your ? on ... 
A Thought Exercise: Consolidating Analog To One Table and Two Cartridges
Sorry my pushed into corner list would be SELL both tables and get best Kuzma and isolation w your preferred single tonearm. I thought the 2 nd cartridge was more of a “ spare “ for use during rebuilds…. ?  I understand your viewpoint about indus... 
What's A Good Upgrade From A Manley Steelhead?
Ah….. even at the levels Bill frequents..for decades now, he realizes improvement is always possible…. No matter the $. Perhaps that could be your first lesson ? My best to those who love music and the endless quest for better….  
Some thoughts on ultrasonic record cleaning and CleanerVinyl
@tablejockey my recollection is you are in Long Beach…. bring some records to clean and we will listen to music while the Degritter makes quick and effective work of them…. For those wanting to evaluate US cleaning, send a few LP off to Perfect Vi... 
A Thought Exercise: Consolidating Analog To One Table and Two Cartridges
Well, you have enjoyed a lot of gear….. and a brave soul for reaching out…. I sold a LOT of SOTA tables into old houses in the midwest, as @mulveling astutely says the suspension is well executed, especially for the $. Eclipse addressed the long ... 
What is the forums opinion of SVS subs?
WTF is a “ 300 white played amplifier “…. ?  
MC for Low Mass Tonearm
The Delos sounds quite analytical and lacking a muscular low end in a lightweight arm. Additional weights help in my Triplaner but don’t get you all the way.  My finding based on a Herron… certainly for tubes a very neutral bit of kit. To me anywa... 
Some famous reviewers have atrocious listening rooms!
there are no perfect performance halls, studios, nor listening rooms…. there are certainly some of legend…. and lore…    
Some famous reviewers have atrocious listening rooms!
cracks me up the fashion critic fails to lead by example……by… ahem…. posting pictures of the system…their…system…