

Responses from tomic601

Shipping a turntable with plinth from England to USA
my Italian plinth DP-75 weighed 70# in the double box banded to a plywood skid w plastic fork lift feet via DHL…Deal included free shipping and to builders credit didn’t skimp. @mijostyn Brinkmann look great and sound better ;-) i am a fan of the... 
RIP David Lindley
this …..crushing…. caught him in Socal just a few years ago….. genius… RIP F only i didn’t say Fudge…  
Tube rolling newbie- how to choose NOS tubes
complete waste of time and money to buy nos or other tubes without significant run in time for your new component…. burn in, listen critically, discern where you want to go… (  IF you don’t know where you are going, ANY road ( and $$$$ ) will get ... 
What's A Good Upgrade From A Manley Steelhead?
OP might i suggest a call w Jonathan at Ultra Fidelis, he is super into analog and carries Moon and ARC, Lyra…. etc…. Honest and helpful as the day is long. He helped immensely in guiding my buddy an Orchestra conductor of note to a fantastic Moon... 
What's A Good Upgrade From A Manley Steelhead?
@lewm thanks for sharing the cap choices w wider audience…. i think there might be a decent overlap of our parts bins…. Roger and Richard Vandersteen helped inform many choices there….  To the OP - great move… a bit of a trove of NOS tubes from t... 
Investigating if ultrasound is harming LPs
oh Werner H. The thread is too much like work…  
What's A Good Upgrade From A Manley Steelhead?
Bill - frankly, i was way more interested in what caps @lewm had sitting bench in the parts drawer….and i would rather talk Beveridge…. alas…. been a long time since i heard or sold a well sorted system from Harold and Roger…. ah…youth  
What's A Good Upgrade From A Manley Steelhead?
Audiophile know thyself…. accurate or flavorized…. it’s very helpful and can save you a lot of churn…. Currently, i have an ARC Ref 2se and a Herron with a quasi successful roll of French Mazda silvers in the front end. Neither of my phono are ve... 
Investigating if ultrasound is harming LPs
ah….    @effischer Yes, an excellent start….  Certain experts in metrology and the other sciences certainly rescused ( or not ) my bacon when someone decided to use a tool where cal / cert had expired…. Enjoy the music ;-)  
Investigating if ultrasound is harming LPs
start over with a very important class called ; Design of Experiment, one very important step is expert review of the DOE..before proceeding… to in your case, generate junk science….  
Kuzma Stabi R mat?
Don - I will pm ya with extended listening impressions so as not to hijack thread, already good to great thread by OP. Jim  
Kuzma Stabi R mat?
There is some secrecy and debate about who in Japan make the cartridge sans body for Kuzma. I don’t really care as it sounds great on the Triplaner. Like the OP , i have a few cartridges, a blessing really. It also helps to have frequent listening... 
Who Would You Spend A Day With - Pick Two
@thyname Yes ! I find myself doing this more, more, more… Keyboard warriors… meh… But i met some truly awesome people here….and building out the network by joining audio and music groups….  My doors are open to most… North San Diego or South Seat... 
point-to-point or solder to CB: what should I be considering?
Like most things in high end audio…it depends….  As Jason correctly said ( and i will modify ) a hand soldered ( no wave ) PCB with curved traces of odd shapes on a multi-layer board will have better noise and other sonic benefits, especially as t... 
Kuzma Stabi R mat?
50/50 shot at sonic satisfaction in the high end sauce of science / sorcery / soup is good work if you can secure it… ( that’s 8 ). I have been very pleased w my CAR-40, probably should have stretched into the -50…. Etna was unobtanium a few mont...