

Responses from tomic601

Spending a month's salary
Split the $ three ways…better dac, speakers / stands ( Soundachor grade ) and asymmetrical room treatments….  
Stereo or monoblocks
by implementing mono blocks w < 30” cables…..  
Stereo or monoblocks
 look a great stereo amp builder is already doing dual mono in same chassis… except IF ya implement it correctly speaker wire L goes down massively…. That’s the KEY….  
un-becoming an audiophile
the Lady with THE Strad has a wonderful system ( and room ) the difference between… any… and many  
Tube amps - what 3 things…
Anything Jim White at Aesthetix make is finely engineered by a guy with ears. The Mimas is fantastic value… IF a person believes point to point is inherently better than a well executed multi layer board in the right places…. might want to recons... 
Anyone heard the new ARC LS28 SE?
@teopulos  thought i might also mention a wonderful Italian audio shop i patronize…. Audio Antiquary , Casalecchio di Reno  
Anyone heard the new ARC LS28 SE?
Wonderful….most likely you found best value of 3 preamps that then expose  and are ThEMselves limited by limitations up or downstream. Musical enjoyment is key ;-)  Best to you !! enjoy the music    
Distinctly Digital Forever?
@charles1dad …indeed, add Chord and DCS to that…. Not my cup of tea but i do try to discern strengths and weakness… as i know you do as well. Best in music - Jim  
Lend me your ears...
Sounds like you are on a good path :-) enjoy ! jim  
un-becoming an audiophile
@whart thanks for suggesting those key treasures of “ Spiritual Jazz “ what seems as a decade ago…. I know a guy @sbank  you should Know…. And again thanks for connecting me with Max…. Lord of great pressings…. oh the list is long…. But wait….. I... 
Lend me your ears...
add more stuff for natural absorb and diffraction…. i setup about 20 excellent rooms a year…. almost all the spare, spartan and over treated ARE… or were… the worst…sounding… A bunch of 20 A outlets ? getting one of them right is KEY, make sure t... 
Distinctly Digital Forever?
and i say this…. my el cheapo NAIM Dac feeding a 1961 Mc 240 sounds organic…. Can it best my $10 X turntale setup… no…. Try ; Terry Allen and the Panhandle Mystery Band - Just Like Moby Dick…    
Distinctly Digital Forever?
@hickamore I am certain based on your many posts of merit and insight you are serious. BTW the Pandora SIG feeds a REF5se and the Lampizator feeds an….. suprise… ARC SP-17… Good on ya man  
Distinctly Digital Forever?
the designers are all hard core analog dudes….  
Distinctly Digital Forever?
Aesthetix and Brinkmann and Lampizator ALL come to mind…. i own two outa three….