

Responses from tomic601

Happy Holidays and Your Favorite Tips?
As an Economist, i view punctuation as a form of taxation.. Holiday tip ; A well decorated Christmas tree is a very complex diffuser….   
Tube preamp for pass labs ?
The BAT is excellent….. i would look elsewhere in the system for improvement….  
Garrard 301 motor and rumble
I just ignore him now…. i made errors of engagement along the way…  @fsonicsmith I have my Dad’s 1961 MC240….. immeasurable joy    
Tube preamp with Adcom amp
At $2k i would be looking at Audio Research SP-17 if you need MM or HOMC and if not the  LS version. I have heard both in many systems and own a LS… But the shopping list i gave stands.  
Any normal size speakers that sound like Volti
Have Avant Garde catalog placed in her Christmas stocking…..   
Tube preamp with Adcom amp
Pretty much anything… Conrad Johnson, Audio Research, Aesthetix, Rogue, Belles, VTL, Herron, Quicksilver… You should also ask over at the Vandersteen owners forum…. What is your budget ?  
I’m looking for an sleek integrated amp under $15k
Echo in Portland has used Boulder and Dartz….   
Very small room! Help me with monitor speakers
Vandersteen VLR , Larsen, Neat, Totem   
Going from MM to MC
and yet…. the Delos is magic…..   
I’m looking for an sleek integrated amp under $15k
A Brinkmann Nyquist in combination w Integrated might fit  bill. German techno sleek…  
I’m looking for an sleek integrated amp under $15k
Get the Boulder and a Super Sawzall….. i have a NAIM Uniti in several systems…. probably not the last word in anything…. but quite reliable w good sonics Carry on  
Have we lost civility and respect on Audio forums?
My goal is to be the person my Dog thinks I am….  
another rookie question - preamp or or power amp
Also…. those in San Diego looking for used gear would do well to troll thru Stereo Unlimited from time to time… hundred or so used components at any given time Not exactly Craigslist pricing…. but often close… and they consider offers….  
another rookie question - preamp or or power amp
Frankly, i’ve built many amazingly good systems around a lowly NAD 3020 A Integrated and eventually adding a more robust power amp….. BUT by putting the bigger $ into the transducers ; cartridge and speakers. One such combo: Denon DP-47F > Gra... 
Where do I go from here?
@patrickalston well, i have 4 or 5 turntables….can’t remember exactly…so any advice i may have given about breathing is HIGHLY suspect….