

Responses from tomic601

Is it important to long demo or own HIGH END gear to have a fair accurate view about it?
When i hear someone claim to have heard “all “, the thing i know is that person is deluded….  
Belles Aria Signature and other Int Amp recommendation
Headphone in….. my wife accuses me of this…. Easy route is an ifi, wimm, or bluesound streamer /dac….. used $200-300 When you get the Vandersteens join the owners group at manufacturers website. There are more than a few Vandy owners running Bel... 
Sound Stage and Imaging
IF you have an amp with some grunt the big brother of the model 1’s and 2’s you admire is the Vandersteen 3A - signature. Time and phase correct in the analog domain  and drivers and crossovers seemless matched by hand in the anechoic chamber in C... 
The dangerous world of Reel-to-Reel Tape
but…i will move my impression to reasonable sample size audiophile….  
The dangerous world of Reel-to-Reel Tape
Well the 993 was supposed to fix the “ Dr killer “ reputation of the 911. …. As to using an HQD ( good as it was at the time, i owned at that time a version of it ) and a 30 year old sonic memory to judge a format….is like the knee jerk throttle ... 
Grimm MU1 Streamer - Really "The Best"?
I will wait for fatigue free ten hour listen report…..but promising  
The dangerous world of Reel-to-Reel Tape
@dogberry great and hilarious post… long live the obligatory christmas card ritual   
The dangerous world of Reel-to-Reel Tape
all 3 ( 4 really if you count DAT ) have merits and flaws…. but the sweeping generalizations are typically those who don’t really know….i call them small sample size audiophiles Since i didn’t go so far as buying my own record lathe, i have very ... 
Lumin Hifi Rose or Aurender
Ayre QX-5 Twenty    
New Messiah
@rvpiano Ahhhhhh….. so very nice - thank you so much ;-) peace of Christ with you  
Lumin Hifi Rose or Aurender
@mikelindauer +++++++ Ayre  
Ultimate Turntable search...OMA K5 or ?
I have spent considerable time w top level Basis, Brinkmann Kuzma ( on minus K ) and Dohman ( w integral minus K )….. frankly at that level it’s going to be Wayyy more about arm / cartridge synergy and system matching…. which frankly is probably t... 
Recommendation Tube Integrated
+ for the Aesthetix… but it’s a hybrid  
Garrard 301 motor and rumble
Big fish get to be that way…by at the very least..not rising to every ineptly cast fly…  
Optical Phono Cartridges
It is absolutely worth learning more about, auditioning and if possible evaluating in your system.