

Responses from tomic601

Happy Holidays to All
Yep !  
Robert Plant
Fantastic link…thanks again…..  
Robert Plant
@decooney thanks - always looking for new versions of music ….but i just have 14 tubes i can throw at it…however, i think the Liquid cooling in the hybrid monoblocks will tide me over…. Guess i need a tube CD ripper and Server…..  
Robert Plant
No Quarter was my 787 theme song… Good to hear from you @n80  - get well soon !  
No sneering Please
@terry9 and even better if compared to heard voices a cappella…..  I haven’t looked at the failure modes of the amp the OP is promoting, great speakers don’t like DC….. @crustycoot IMF….man that guy had ears…. i worked at a store that carried th... 
The dangerous world of Reel-to-Reel Tape
Tusk master tape and most of Fleetwood Mac brain cells must have been baked in a toaster oven in the studio… @atmasphere  Merry Christmas Ralph !  
Logical next step from Legacy Signature SEs? Around $15K...
Vandersteen Quattro CT with the tweeter out of the famous Model 7, Powered built in sub, 11 bands of analog EQ below 120 hz so you can place for best image, then correct most room issues, magic midrange enabled by high passing your main amp. Cabin... 
Does the streamer effect sound quality
+++++ for Teddy Pardo…. there are often many opportunities to buy them used and implement them widely across your streaming network.. TIP get your remaining wall warts on a decent ( Furman 15 is fine ) power conditioning unit , preferably on a di... 
Recommend a non-polite sounding amp / integrated
@crustycoot ++++++++ there is quite frequently a NAIM preamp in front of my ancient MC240….. PRAT to wax on about…… Happy Holidays….  
Recommend a non-polite sounding amp / integrated
My post about the MC240 was snark as it is widely acclaimed and in demand as both a collectible and musical amplifier. i run a highly modified 1961 in one of my systems. Of course YMMV. Best to you in your journey of music  
Is it important to long demo or own HIGH END gear to have a fair accurate view about it?
Yes…. like the Japanese acknowledgment of hearing you….  nothing you said, convinces me of most….  
Recommend a non-polite sounding amp / integrated
Rogue or something w tube rectified power supply so you can roll your desired level of polite.   
Recommend a non-polite sounding amp / integrated
I am a buyer for the cast off MC240 stricken by polite… I would suggest …… color me flumoxxed….    
Is it important to long demo or own HIGH END gear to have a fair accurate view about it?
Understand….but hopefully you also realize DAC or Preamp exotic capacitors take > 100 hours to break in…..many a LOT more…. sure they reveal glimpses of greatness or @#$&&&&… frequently BOTH in the same listening session….. so m... 
Is it important to long demo or own HIGH END gear to have a fair accurate view about it?
@asvjerry I would say, knowing Brian as i do…it’s likely a hybrid  oat - wheatberry treble… His reference system is centered around Quad 57 and Croft tube gear… he is on my list of state of mind people to maintain a learning friendship with @wayt...