

Responses from tomic601

Subwoofer speed is in the room, not the box
Much of the benefit of a high pass before the mains amp is the loafing it enjoys….. The problem w servo is input signal is compared w voice coil movement, NOT cone movements which are rarely pistonic….. But y’all like those big paper woofers flap... 
Humminguru record cleaner
@mahler123 you are admirable, hopefully my spouse NEVER reads your post….  
Bananas rule, spades drool. End of discussion.
@dekay for the fashion plate win ! For the record, i’m not a fan of IEC power connectors…. Now, give me a freakin Hubbel Hospital grade outlet with incredible clamping force…..  
Ultimate $10K home office system for vinyl?
With your added scope creep.. Clearaudio TT, arm, Hana ML, or Grace F9/Soundsmith Ruby OCL, or Ortofon Bronze, or Nakagoka 500, Hagerman Trumpet or ARC PH-5 or Sutherland, NAIM Uniti Atom,, Near field any good used LS-3 5a or similar Linn Kan, Ke... 
Bananas rule, spades drool. End of discussion.
don’t blame the spade…it’s the coarse thread el cheapo “ 5 way binding post “…  
Bananas rule, spades drool. End of discussion.
Cold welding is the ultimate expression of “ naked “….. remember, “ always wear sunscreen “….. Of course, Enid Lumley went one better and soldered pretty much everything…. but even solder has various camps, cultists, etc…..  
Bananas rule, spades drool. End of discussion.
Anticables make an excellent low mass copper spade….super affordable   
Bananas rule, spades drool. End of discussion.
@audphile1 ​​​​@ghdprentice for the win….no such thing as a gas tight connection with a lowly banana….. i use Pamona or an expanding WBT if no other solution exists or on the test bench…  
Furman Upgrade to Niagra
As noted Garth is the magic excellent engineer w EARS behind Furman, AQ Power products and also very importantly cables….. collect em all and win.   
How does bi-wiring work?
Another reason the sonic plus of biwire is frequently missed is the 8’ or worse… soggy sonic sponge wire i see ….. get monoblocks…..  my cables are 30”…. Also for the gauge freaks… check the size of wire from your output devices to the binding po... 
How does bi-wiring work?
@ghdprentice BIG fun speaker those AMT :-)…. oh for our youth back, eh ?  
How does bi-wiring work?
@puptent no the filter in the, speaker is functional  The debate about the better single cable + jumpers vs the lesser twin cable bi-wire set…plays out often at GREAT non dogmatic music loving Audioquest dealers nationwide…..I’ve spent quality ti... 
Measurements for a dedicated line
@erik_squires you definitely got the quasi dedicated correct…. bummer…. Stromtank… and $ or € can fix that….. Best to all in the quest for juice, AND clean juice….  
Measurements for a dedicated line
Put your motors on the opposite leg… dedicated audio line 101  
Here's to the temperate, the gentle, the moderates in audio
JR is an absolute credit to the industry