

Responses from tomic601

Ways to make your digital streaming sound better
preferably at light speed… even an Amazon converter should do the trick…  
Questions Regarding Installing a Wheaton Triplanar On A SOTA Cosmos
Call Sota  
Ways to make your digital streaming sound better
i shall ! iF i head South to Solana Beach, i can appreciate the full toshness of an entire community converted to …. fiber Lord, i even know audiophiles who dwell there… scallywags as they might be thanks for the education   
Turntable Cartridge upgrade question.
Since you asked, yes; The Hana ML is an excellent cartridge, pair that w Hangerman Trumpet and you will definitely hear  a big positive difference   
Questions Regarding Installing a Wheaton Triplanar On A SOTA Cosmos
I wondered IF you noticed that glob of cement…. I for one find @pindac a very interesting audiophile and music lover …. bravo  
Ways to make your digital streaming sound better
what is a “ tosh “ ?  
Thinking about switching cartridges.
@avanti1960 for another goal ! Lyra Delos is a truth teller , especially for the $  
Turntable Cartridge upgrade question.
Your problem is the Ortofon Black is really a fantastic cartridge for $$$$ i would echo @nekoaudio excellent input to move up the Ortofon line into the moving coils. i’ve never heard a Mani 2, so i can’t comment on its ability to resolve differenc... 
Questions Regarding Installing a Wheaton Triplanar On A SOTA Cosmos
Lord..not the dust cover swirl again…. although i believe one would approximate a snare head quite well…..  
Questions Regarding Installing a Wheaton Triplanar On A SOTA Cosmos
The needle talk test is one variable of many how i and a few others have arrived at the Triplaner / Lyra combination…. Of course…i’m not so arrogant ( well maybe )… to suggest it is the only way…. in fact, my ancient Dynavector probably equals it ... 
Subwoofer speed is in the room, not the box
Sure bass horn loading is a different case…. i’m flat to 20 in a regular room without resorting to cutting down every tree in the mythical forest… Enjoy the music ;-)   
Questions Regarding Installing a Wheaton Triplanar On A SOTA Cosmos
Good Lord @pindac you shall be soon constructing the platter out of Panzer H. But we are divergent from our intrepid OP who has other fish to fry. OP - so i assume you have the tool to drill armboard ? Ive heard the Verismo at some lengths on e... 
New In 2024
Joni M - Miles of Aisles   
Thinking about switching cartridges.
to the OP w no other data on your system configuration, i expect IF you dont have HRS equal or better ( Minus K ) isolation…. a better cartridge will be mired in the mechanical noise floor… Just my $1.49…. should have been $3 but i have an occlus... 
Thinking about switching cartridges.
There is a LOT more to it than stylus shape. A careful look at alignment and adhesive ( if applicable ) might be just as illustrative of quality… then there is suspension, tie back, coil former geometry, quality of the wire…. blah, blah… Have you...