

Responses from tomcy6

Artist you now like that you discovered through your streaming service
dougsat and uberwaltz,  a couple albums you might enjoy in the blues vein are:Rosie Flores - Simple Case of the BluesMy favorite for blues album of 2019.  And:Various - If You're Going To The City - A Tribute To Mose AllisonSome really good perfor... 
PS Audio BHK preamp owners
I also believe the change in bias is so that one can use either 12AU7s or the 6DJ8 family of tubes.  I've switched between those two but never tried different settings for the same tube type.PS Audio has its own forums and you may find more discus... 
Fav Tube/Best tube
Favorites are system and listener taste dependent.Tungsten, Siemes, Philips = same tube.No they’re not. Phillips owned Siemens but Tungsol,  Tungsram, Siemens and Phillips are different tubes, I can assure you.My favorite in my current preamp is a... 
Why Does CD Sound So Good?
I’d guess that your cd player has a better DAC or that distortion is being introduced somewhere in your modem> streamer> DAC chain. The CD player may be benefitting from the smaller amount of circuitry, connections and cable needed to conver... 
Streaming Qubuz - take it to the next level.
big_greg, that sounds doable.  Thanks. 
Streaming Qubuz - take it to the next level.
Has Lumin developed a good app for Android tablets?  I had a Lumin a while back and just couldn't get the app to work well. 
James Taylor
I’m glad James didn’t go the full orchestra route. 
Your experience with great Jazz guitar CD/SACD discs.
Mark Whitfield and Russell Malone. Both are pretty much straight-ahead melodic players. As with most jazz musicians, they both get more experimental as time goes on. You have to find where in their discography they agree with you. 
Vinyl vs. top-notch digital
There is a reason why everyone says their DACs sound analog and nobody says their turntables sound digital.Everyone doesn't say that though. 
Selling on Audiogon
The merchant ID requirement for Paypal is for tax purposes, I believe.  If you are a listener who sells a few pieces of gear each year, it shouldn't be a problem.  If you sell a lot of gear, you may hear from the IRS.Getting a merchant ID is not d... 
Badly recorded albums needing upgrading
For some people, yes. I think georgehifi from this forum picks his cds that way. Other people, including me, believe that there are other factors to consider. As the post from mitchagain states, often early cds, which have higher dynamic range num... 
Badly recorded albums needing upgrading
Mike, Do searches for stuff like "best sounding" "worst sounding" in addition to specific titles over on the Hoffman site. It’s sometimes funny how fanatical some people over there are about the sound quality of various releases. I mean, they can ... 
Qobuz Studio Premier subscription available in USA & UK but not in rest of Europe
There is an article in the March 2020 TAS about Qobuz.  They talk about the origin of the name but not how to pronounce it.  I pronounce it kuh BOOZE, which I got from another article somewhere.The TAS article is basically an overview. 
Badly recorded albums needing upgrading
The best place to read about the quality of different releases of albums that I know of is the Steve Hoffman Music Forums.  You'll have to search around to find the right threads and the conclusions will not always be unanimous, but that's where p... 
Got Vinyl and Qobuz cued up in Do-or-Die Comparo
You can’t go wrong with Emmylou. Have you heard the bonus tracks on the recent reissue of The Ballad of Sally Rose?  Demos of a few of the songs with Linda Ronstadt and Dolly Parton doing harmony vocals. Good stuff!