

Responses from tomcy6

Another streaming newbie
I'm pretty sure the streaming will sound at least as good. 
Oppo BDP-105D just for CDs?
since my current DAC is a Schiit Modi 2 which is okay but probably not stellar.I own an Oppo 95, not the 105, but I think this description will probably fit the 105 too. But, if you can get a good deal on a 105 you can try it and sell it if you’re... 
Highly Questionable Music Suggestions.
When it comes to reviews of music, personal taste is an even bigger factor than in reviews of equipment.Every month when I get my audio magazines, I check out the music reviews and listen to some of the albums that get great reviews. Usually I end... 
6H30 tubes vs the others
The 6H30 is considered one of the least "tube" sounding tubes. That is a generalization, of course, but many people don’t like preamps that use it for that reason. Other people seek out preamps that use it. They think that it provides some of the ... 
Can streamed Music sound better on a Sunday?
In my experience, sound quality can vary from day to day.  It may be the amount of noise in your electricity, the noise level in your home, your frame of mind on a given day, or many other factors.Whatever does it, enjoy! 
What would you do if items from Ebay had beenlost?
I would let the seller know that, in spite of what the USPS says, you did not receive the package, but don’t ask for a refund yet. I have on more than one occasion gotten the package delivered notice without getting the package, only to have it de... 
Religious music for less than devout
The Blind Boys of Alabama - Spirit of the CenturyIn Loving Memories - The Jerry Lee Lewis Gospel AlbumEmmylou Harris - Angel BandI think they're all on Qobuz. 
Another streaming newbie
Chuck,I don't think anyone wanted to disrespect your system.  What I meant was that it just seemed to me that you were probably not constantly chasing the latest and greatest. 
Lunim T2 vs Cary Audio DMS 600
When I had a Lumin a couple of years ago, I couldn't get the app to work worth a damn on Android devices.  Have they got that fixed? 
DAC Streamer Recommendation
When I had a Lumin the control app for Android devices did not work well at all.  I understand that it works well with Apple devices. 
Another streaming newbie
The Bluesound Node2i is a streamer/DAC that you can connect to wirelessly or with an ethernet cable. The BluOs app that you would download to your phone for free is a really nice app that will allow you to connect with and control Tidal, Qobuz, Sp... 
Who buy PS AUDIO ?
ronkent, hifiman5,Thanks for your observations.  I enjoy my late night listening and it would be nice to get that sound all the time.  I think other factors involved late at night may be a lower overall noise level and my state of mind, though.  D... 
Who buy PS AUDIO ?
hifiman5, Has the P12 provided you with that late night magic all day?  Do you experience power related variations In sound quality any more?Thanks. 
Martin Logan Impression 11a power
I’m not a technical person so I can’t tell you how many amps each component will draw, but lots of people have multiple components connected to a single 15 amp circuit. I don’t think the 11a draws a lot power as their amps are class D.I don’t thin... 
Most recordings you own by a single artist, group, or composer
Separate official releases on my shelves - Van Morrison - 42.  The guy just keeps cranking them out.