

Responses from tomcy6

Help me understand John Coltrane .... seriously.
Let me put it this way, I love jazz, well maybe 1% of it, anyway. The other 99% you couldn’t pay me to listen to. John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Pat Metheny and just about everyone else playing jazz are in both categories. The stuff I like includes h... 
Karla Bonoff
Agree. Karla is a really good singer/songwriter who plays the piano rather than the more common guitar. "Carry Me Home" is a great studio recording of new and old material, much of which can also be found on, "Live", which was recorded live, oddly... 
So What Is Real?
THIS is real:Most "professional" recording engineers produce product that contains mediocre at best sound quality. To hold them up as them up as having the definitive opinion about anything is just specious. This is the real problem. Most recordin... 
Help me understand John Coltrane .... seriously.
Coltrane leaves almost all people behind at some point and today's jazz musicians have left Coltrane behind.  Start with his most accessible stuff, listen to the recommendations made above and enjoy what connects with you and stop listening when y... 
Bob Carver 350 tube amps
I haven't owned the Carver amps either, but I also find it odd that you don't see them for sale or talked about much here.  Some 275s have showed up for sale recently.  You could contact those people about their experiences. 
Help me understand John Coltrane .... seriously.
You don't get the song "My Favorite Things"? 
Diggin in the Goldmine:Dutch Beat Nuggets cds
That's what happens when some, not all, cds and box sets go out-of-print.  Collecting anything is a tricky business.  Something can be expensive today and worthless tomorrow or vice versa. 
The people telling you that vintage tubes are a ripoff and that new production tubes are always better are as wrong as the people saying that vintage tubes are always better.It all depends on your tastes and your system.  There's no one size fits ... 
Tube tester...anyone own their own?
Al, thanks for your experience. What do you mean by essentially? I mean that you may not get a radical difference but you won’t get the same reading either. I’ve been told by Roger Kennedy that the spec for a new (and there aren’t any new ones an... 
Tube tester...anyone own their own?
It depends on how serious you want to get.If you’re really serious get the Amplitrex AT1000, about $3000If you can live with less precision and control but want a modern computer type tester the Maxipreamp 2 is about $1,000. It will not test power... 
Why do Classical CDs sound less Alive/Real/Present ?
I still think that the difference is in the different miking techniques used for recording small groups and orchestras. 
Amp/preamp shootout
That does sound like fun.  You found a good dealer.  Not many would do that.  Let us know what happens. 
Does Digital Try Too Hard?
No, digital doesn’t try too hard. It has distortions which are new to audio playback. In the early days the designers didn’t even know about jitter. I remember the cover announcement on Stereophile when jitter was finally determined to be a proble... 
Arizona Audio Video Club - Annual Membership Drive
Thanks!  I hope to make it. 
I need help with Qobuz please.....
I'm not an Apple guy so I probably won't be much help.  Does the iPod act as your streamer and the phone as your controller?  Connect your iPod to play music through your system (not necessarily Qobuz).  When you get the iPod sending music through...