

Responses from tomcy6

How many of you are digital only systems?
For reference I am running an Innuos Zenith mkIII feeding a Chord Qutest.   You may want to try a different DAC.  I haven't heard the Qutest, but from what I read here the Chords are on the lean, detailed end of the spectrum.  
What are you streaming tonight?
Connie Han - The Richard Rodgers Songbook Beautiful piano trio.  If tou think jazz has to be challenging, stay away.  
No Insurance with FEDEX as of 11/01
Great advice yags1.  Take a picture of each layer of protection as you pack it. 
Iam interested of buying FIM xrcds xxxx24 BUT....
It looks like it's a download site and the address given is in New Zealand.  They give a mobile phone # and an email form in the Help section. 
A Record Collection/Moral Conundrum - What Would You Do?
We haven't touched on the other side of the moral question.  By allowing your friend to not pay back his loan and letting you hold onto his records for many years and then giving them back to him, you are encouraging this type of behavior.  Is tha... 
best for 6sl7 and 6sn7 tube nos?
I am a believer in NOS tubes, but I don't have experience with those.  Call Brent Jessee or Andy Bouwman of Vintage Tube Services and they'll help you get the right tubes. 
DAC Shootout Starts This Weekend
imaging, though, is another matter, as nice as it is when well portrayed on our rigs -- but what is real or not is highly debatable (and suspect), in fact it is pretty much entirely ’manufactured’ That’s true, but we are not listening to a live ev... 
A Record Collection/Moral Conundrum - What Would You Do?
My humble nonprofessional opinion, the records are yours and don't spend any money on a lawyer. 
The "British Invasion". A question for you old farts out there.
You've got to remember that The Beatles hadn't matured yet in 64 and 65.  They were still a teen pop band not that different from the DC 5.  Looking back on their entire careers, there's no comparison, but in the early days the DC 5 were competiti... 
The "British Invasion". A question for you old farts out there.
I remember radio stations doing battle of the bands between the Beatles and the DC 5.  Can't remember who won though. 
An interesting demonstration
@mijostyn, In your opinion, did the Marantz and Accuphase separates sound the same? 
Suggestions for contemporary Jazz CD's
You're welcome.  Let me know if you liked any of these in particular.  I may be able to recommend some others. 
Suggestions for contemporary Jazz CD's
A few recent jazz albums that I’ve enjoyed:Artemis - S/T    All female all-star group. I enjoy this female perspective on today’s jazz.Ron Carter - Foursight - The Complete Stockholm Tapes     A live album that includes Renee Rosnes, who is also i... 
Power cables , Test your cables guys
Your links aren't working for me, so I don't know what the difference you're talking about is.  If you bought the cable from Audioquest or one of their dealers and the incorrect length is causing you a problem,  I think they should replace it with... 
Anyone try using a 5751 in place of a 12AT7?
The 5751 is considered a substitute for the 12AX7 not the 12AT7.Here is what tube dealer Brent Jessee says about it: 5751: This version was usually the one made for the US military. These have a lower gain than the 12AX7, but are otherwise totally...