

Responses from tomcy6

How much does power amplifier really matter comparing to other hi-fi components?
You want to make sure that you don't get a bright or harsh amp, unless you like that sort of thing.  A  bright, let's just call it headache inducing, amp can ruin the sound of your system. 
How can a system be judged with highly processed, non acoustic music?
On the first Stereophile Test CD they have a track where JG Holt reads from a Stereophile  and is recorded in mono by about 15 different microphones including Shures, AKGs, Neumans, Telefunkens, etc.  It's not hard to tell when the microphone chan... 
Is Bob Dylan’s “visions of Joanne” a rap song?
Oh geez,  I don't think deadhead had any racist intentions.  Lighten up people.  There are enough real problems to get huffy about.I don't think that the blues have much in common with rap.  I think rap is a new art form that developed out of comp... 
Is Bob Dylan’s “visions of Joanne” a rap song?
Not to my ear.  See if you can get it played on a rap/hip-hop station. 
Amperex 6DJ8 tube construction
Joe’s Tube Lore refers to the A frame type but that tube by construction does not have the ususal type of shield as earlier tubes (like the one on left picture). No, Joe is describing the tube on the left in the picture in the section I quoted. Th... 
Amperex 6DJ8 tube construction
steakster, I found a couple of references to splatter shields, first from Joe’s Tube Lore:"The next structure up is the unique one it’s a horizontal, circular, metal disc supported by two metal bars. I’ve seen & heard this referred to as a shi... 
Amperex 6DJ8 tube construction
I think the circular plate is called a splatter shield. I don’t know what its function is.Tubes from the Phillips factories (Amperex, Mullard, Siemens, La Radiotechnique, Valvo, etc.) made in one factory often carried the label of another Phillips... 
Review: Holo May (L2) DAC and the Musetec Audio (LKS Audio) MH-DA005 DAC Compaired
Thanks for taking the time to do the comparison and then telling us about it.  Audiogon could use a lot more of this kind of post. 
What are we going to do about Tele 12AU7 prices
So, wouldn’t the tubes provided with the equipment be ones that the manufacturer thinks are pretty good? Yes but you can do better than pretty good.  Whether its worth the cost is up to you. For the relatively low cost of the Freya+, they could... 
Commander Cody
The Commander was a great musician with a unique sound and a great sense of humor.  His band put on great rockin' shows.  RIP 
Is there such thing as a "vocal" forward DAC?
JJ tubes are generally considered to be poor quality, although I'm sure they work fine in some applications.  I don't know what tube type you're using (12AU7, 6922, etc.), but Amperex  from the Heerlen factory have a reputation for being special i... 
Audio: what took so long ?
The post was not anti-American. It was not taken that way.  Some people just disagree with some of your points. 
Tube Rolling in my Pathos
It sounds like those are vintage tubes. The Mullards have a reputation for having a warmer sound and the Siemens from the mid 60s on for being bright. But depending on your amp and system, you may not find those descriptions apply to your system. ... 
Tube Rolling in my Pathos
Are your Mullard tubes new production or vintage (pre-1980)? 
Negative feedback and reviews of bad sellers
Send an email to:  support@audiogon.com, Attention: Tammy Tammy has many fans here. She's the person who takes care of problems on Audiogon.  Let us know what happens.