
Responses from tobias

what is the difference between good and bad music
Bartokfan, your preferences seem to match mine as far as mine go. That's not very far, so I am asking if you would care to name your 25 composers. 
integrated amp question
As long as your integrated has a direct input to the power amp section, you can take your time hunting down your new gear, and add what you like whenever you find it. The advantage being, of course, that you can spread out the purchases: phono sta... 
Good Advice
I guess it depends on how you see a "tweak". To me, Epinions is describing what I thought of as an "audiophile", until quite recently. A tweak is obsessed with gear and sees the forest not the trees (extension, air, et cetera and not the music), i... 
Review: Kora Electronics Hermes DA converter
I have spent a few hours with this DAC on different occasions and I agree it is one of the least fatiguing I have heard. Your review confirms that it can compete well out if its class. 
Tired of boring, polite, laid-back sound.....
If you can find a good high-efficiency speaker and a decent tube integrated amp for under $1K, that would certainly be an interesting possibility. The most dynamic setup I have ever heard was a horn speaker (about 103 dB efficient) and a hand-buil... 
Tired of boring, polite, laid-back sound.....
I agree with Aball's and Listener57's choices. Naim and Triangle may be the most dynamic you can get at the $1K used level. 
How should I build a system around my speakers?
Jamesjems, that is great--and very comprehensive--advice from Douglas_schroeder.I would have suggested a few older units to look for, but there is danger of focusing too hard on a named component (which you may not even have heard) and missing out... 
Tubes combination
I haven't heard the EH 6SN7s but IME you can get very convincing improvements when you go NOS with this tube. However the 6SN7 is one of the more sought-after old-stock varieties and is expensive in consequence. And again in my experience, the imp... 
Nordost and Triangle
Trianglezerius, I just went and checked out your system properly. I hope I may be frank. If you want more resolution from CDs, you will never get it from interconnects or anything else downstream. It is the source itself which is proving unsatisfa... 
Nordost and Triangle
I run Shanling SP-80 amps with the stock EL34 output tubes. I think thses EL34s are the same as the ones in the Duntonic 3i, and I think they're a pretty good tube. If you try NOS EL34s I'd really be interested in your impressions, but so far I'm ... 
Nordost and Triangle
I don't think the Blue Heaven IC will keep you happy for long. Look a bit higher for interconnects. I also think, for 2 cents, that the Elys cart is a MM with a HF rolloff that will not give you the last undistorted octave of air. To improve resol... 
Help a newbie on an entry two-channel system
I agree strongly with what Gmood says about the source. If the high mids and the highs of your digital system hurt your ears, the first place to look for peace is the source. It makes more sense musically, in my experience, to spend a lot on the s... 
anyone heard the oskar syrinx?
I love the sound of those speakers, the highs from the Heil tweeter are the most relaxing I have ever heard bar none. I have not listened to them a lot, unfortunately, so I cannot confirm whether the breakup problem is consistent over all units...... 
Help a newbie on an entry two-channel system
Another two cents:If you are set on a SS amp the Qinpu 1.0 integrated sounds remarkably good for its under-$700 price tag. That leaves lots left over for the best source you can afford--the Music Hall/Shanlings are my favourites, with the best (th... 
Anyone heard the new Music Hall RDR-1 table radio?
Too many buttons for me, even if it sounds as good as the Tivoli.