
Responses from tobias

Left / Right Maddening Problem
Another last ditch suggestion: look into speaker placement and room effects. Is your room symmetrical, for example? My rear wall has a 12-inch step on the left side and when my speakers are not precisely toed in the image shifts to the left.My ref... 
Upgrade from Benchmark Dac?
4est, this in some haste: associated gear identical for all trials. Transport : Sonic Frontiers, AC cord : Ensemble Powerflux, digital IC : Atlas Opus, analog IC : Audience Au24, pre/power : GamuT, speakers : Gradient Revolution.Material was world... 
Upgrade from Benchmark Dac?
The Stellavox ST-2 is IMHO a clear upgrade from the Benchmark.I did a head-to-head with a pal, same transport and cable, DAC the only variable. Cymbals less starchy, more metallic = greatly increased detail in the highs. More air and space, better... 
DAC advice for the non-tech-savvy
Your coax cable is a transmission line at digital-signal frequencies. In this circumstance there are reflections generated within the cable if the impedances at either end are not exactly 75 ohms. That is the case with all RCA-terminated cables an... 
DAC advice for the non-tech-savvy
I can't say that one technology in itself would answer your needs better than another. Other factors influence the final result so that two units can sound different whether or not they are both OS, NOS, US or whatever.IME the ideal DAC for rock w... 
Anyone familiar w brining speakers in from Canada
I have to say my experience bears out the above comments re German passports. I went across with a pal once and we were delayed for hours. That was back in the Bush days, though. Things were tenser then. Today security seems just as tight but folk... 
Does anybody smell smoke?
Wipe it down with a soft cloth dampened with water, peroxide or a mild baking soda solution (as suggested above). You could also use pure isopropyl alcohol, either straight or diluted with water. 
Step up transformer
Topaz (or MGE), Xentek, Deltec are all top-quality transformers. As for power rating, Sidssp is in accord with many others when he says that 50% more will do it. Some do say, though, that even more is still better, because even less likely to satu... 
I could cry
Very sorry to hear of this blow. Not the cat's fault, but still a real bummer. Chin up though, somethng will come along to make you feel better sooner or later. Meanwhile it's good to hear Schipo saying covers can sometimes be found... just in cas... 
A DAC to beat NAD C541i?
The extra half meter delays internal reflections just enough that they don't arrive at the DAC in time to cause jitter. Here's a quote from another thread to explain why.[Almarg]If the input impedance of the dac and the impedance of the cable don'... 
A DAC to beat NAD C541i?
Toslink won't be better except perhaps if you use a glass (not plastic) one.How long is your IXOS? If your digital cable is not 1.5m long you are not hearing all the DAC can do. Try again if you have not been using a 1.5m length.If cable length is... 
Best isolation under a big receiver ?
I found Herbie's Tenderfeet made a nice difference under my tube integrated. If your receiver is over about 45 pounds you'll need something more heavy-duty though. 
which bang for the buck DAC?
I've compared the Benchmark to the Apogee Mini-DAC head-to-head. The Benchmark was extraordinary, so detailed it was the musical equivalent of watching bodybuilders ripped for competition. Every muscle stood out. I thought, if anyone wanted to kno... 
“Real” bass vs. “Boom” — how do you know which?
How to tell boom from bass: have a reference. You need to use the same disc each time and listen twice, once on a system whose bass is "known to be right" and again on your setup.One thing you _can_ do without leaving the house, though, is play in... 
Sugden Connoisseur BD1
My first belt drive TT was a Connoisseur BD1. I used a Decca International arm with it.I presume your SME mount is the oval cutout style. You are right that you can't find a cheap arm for this unless you get lucky and find an older SME (like a III...