
Responses from tobias

PC vs MAC laptop as music server
Tok20000, it's interesting what you say about the importance of the computer's power supply. My brother runs a home studio built 'round an iMac. I gave him a good isolation transformer. He plugged the computer into that and the overall sound gaine... 
Digital cable optimal length?
Bombaywalla, you caught me out. Steve Nugent of Empirical Audio with his paper in Positive Feedback is at the bottom of the whole affair and should get credit for it. I did refer to this paper in at least one of the posts to which Almarg has linke... 
Digital cable optimal length?
Rodman, I have to admit to a little skepticism about that Canare RCA connector. In the page you link to, a special joining method is cited as part of the 75-ohm connection. The RCA plug itself is not claimed to be a 75-ohm device.Elsewhere I belie... 
Should I do it or Not??? Tech question
No, your bias trimpot setting will not necessarily be the same for the new output device as it was for the old one.Transistors, like tubes, vary from sample to sample. That is why the better gear includes matched pieces. 
Should I do it or Not??? Tech question
Yes, as Unsound says, you are in over your head. If you don't know what bias current is or how to adjust it, then after the repair the amp will sound horrible and may even oscillate ( and damage your speakers )--even if you do solder the new parts... 
Tonearm Nightmare
Is the turntable level? I'm not familiar with how the arm wiring is done on your setup--is there any tension on the arm wiring (where it exits the arm)? 
Baby name opinion....
You are presently at the hysterical phase of baby-naming. At this point, you have tried all the names you can possibly imagine and none of them seems to fit. You feel you must nonetheless come up with a name, any name, or you will have to call the... 
PC vs MAC laptop as music server
According to Steve Nugent at Empirical, playback from a Mac with iTunes is indeed a little less good than with Foobar. He does say that it is still excellent, though.I switched computer platforms way back at DOS 3.3. I can handle Windows if I have... 
Digital cable optimal length?
Too short means confusion and lack of coherence. Musical phrasing is smeared, timing seems subtly off, the image is out of focus. Instruments are harder to place and lack definition. Soundstage is vague. It's easy to spot the difference if you com... 
Anyone using battery backup
I used an over-spec'd TrippLite unit for years until the battery gave out at last. Never replaced that because I switched to a laptop. I would never use one of these on my audio gear, though. 
Salvaging worn cd's...
IME once you've started with anything abrasive on the transparent face you're on your own out on a limb. The disc may play afterwards or it may not. OTOH treatment with simple cleaners or "impedance matching" fluids like Finyl or Optrix can appare... 
PC vs MAC laptop as music server
Re Tok20000's first post, above. The following is from Empirical Audio's Web site:The USB Off-Ramp 3 provides provides a USB computer interface to your audio system with unprecedented sound quality. With support for 24/96 resolution and bit perfec... 
Left / Right Maddening Problem
Well done Jon! Thanks for the follow-up.The next thing I did was to stop eye-balling the centerpoint of the distance between the speakers and actually measure.That worked for me too. I set up according to Jim Smith's suggestions ( it's a good book... 
Ensemble Megaflux v Cardas Golden Reference
Ensemble Megaflux FSF is a speaker cable. Ensemble interconnects are Masterflux and Dynaflux FSF. 
Digital sound is fine, but analog rolled off Why?
As Thorman says: are your turntable and tone arm properly set up? Is your cartridge aligned correctly?What happened to digital sound when you tried the easy-to-drive speakers?