
Responses from tobias

Inactive audio members that you miss
We still get the occasional post from Nrchy. Always glad to see one of those.I had to think a moment to remember his username, actually. Knew where to find it, though: just search on Patrick Malone. Good place to look up names. 
Bookshelf speakers for a bedroom.
I use Triangle Titus ES monitors in a 7x9 bedroom. The floor-to-ceiling height is the longest dimension: 9.5 feet. The bass output from the 5" woofers is just about right for the room. My amp is a 35 wpc Audio Space As-3i with EL34 tubes.These spe... 
Soundsmith's turnaround time?
Cartridge rebuilding is such a popular line of work that tech school graduates are turned away in the thousands by companies like Soundsmith, Benz, VdH and so many others. Within these labs, lucky workers develop in mere days the skills required t... 
Dgital cable under 150.00.
Two cables I like at that price level are the VH Audio cryo Pulsar and the Atlas Compass. I would also like to plug Joe Mazzaglia's cables. He has a digital interconnect now and if it is as good value as his interconnects it is a real winner.Do ma... 
Preamp with phono section
Klyne SK-5A if you can find one. Very good phono section indeed. Has 2 analog outs in opposite phase. This is useful because it allows connecting channels in opposite phase to spread load on amplifier power supply--this improves dynamics. Also all... 
Review: Ohm Acoustics Ohm Walsh 2000 Speaker
This is a nice review to read. I like it because it's generous: complete, well-expressed, clearly organized and the product of ripened experience--no rushing to get it out. It helps, too, that it covers a product at an affordable (for me) price le... 
The Hub: How about a dedicated listening CHAIR
An audio massage chair?!? A test bed for vibration isolation. Absolute Hobson's choice tradeoff situation for the designer. Put a Buttkicker in the seat. 
Good $10K systems
This is $10K at new prices, right? If not, well my own gear cost me not too much more than that, if you strip off a few cables and accessories.Mooneycj, above, lists a system that is very like the one in the Son Idéal room at the Montreal SSI last... 
Son Et Image 2010
Wow, Mcrosier liked the same rooms I did. Some other nice ones were the Joseph Audio room and the Gradient room, where the Helsinki speakers made the walls move back a few yards. The Son Idéal/Harbeth room was amazingly close to that, though. Very... 
Japanese Transport and Transformer
Renjy651, thanks for clarifying the function of the transformer. It is indeed meant to step the NA 117V supply down to the Japanese 100V, and not the other way around, as I stated, wrongly, above. Conedison8, I apologize for my goof. 
Japanese Transport and Transformer
Even if the transformer looks like a piece of crap, it will very likely improve the unit's sound and not degrade it as you fear.That has been my experience with every digital source I have ever used in my home. Isolating the electrical supply with... 
High Efficiency Speakers Your top 3 or more
Loth-X PolarisKlischhornHaven't heard anything else in that league. 
What pre in the $500 pre owned market
Boy, that's a pickle. You have a great amp but no preamp and thus no music. On top of that you have only $500 for a preamp for your great amp. So you can choose between limiting your great amp with a preamp that is not at the amp's level, or else ... 
Rotel RCD-1070 replacement
Peterman1983, if you have no experience doing a laser swap, I regret that my post above may have encouraged you to try it yourself. I have had two laser replacements done by factory authorized techs. The first one was done badly and the new laser ... 
Quick poll How long have you been in this hobby?
In 1961 or 2 my brother and I inherited my Dad's mono Admiral console with a Garrard changer and a tube amp inside. In 1967 I built my first amplifier kit, a tubed Dyna SCA-35.