
Responses from timrhu

CES Day 1 Photo Gallery
Thanks, that looks like it was a lot of work. 
Are bad rooms keeping the hobby alive?
Agree with you Chad. For me it was a lesson I had to learn through experience. The first step is a dedicated space where the wife (if you have one) doesn't care about the decor. Why don't they like those beautiful panels? 
New speaker placement
The treatment ideas in your room diagram look like a good idea. The yellow squares behind the speakers look good as well as the bass traps. As for side wall reflections, it seems as if the walls are far enough away that little would be required bu... 
Best HDCD cd's ?
Joe Jackson's "Heaven & Hell" is a great sounding HDCD. Can't find HDCD labeled on it but the indicator is on. 
Need Speakers at least 4 feet high
Your request is perfectly clear but Chad's point is valid. You can have 15 systems in your house without causing me any stress. I was just curious. BTW only half of the 23 responders gave advice you were looking for. Good luck with our search. 
Need Speakers at least 4 feet high
Chadnliz asks a good question. I can't understand the point of your search either. 
performance vs. resale
I'm not sure by what criteria Timrhu determines that tube gear is overpriced. Relative to what?Tvad, none of the three types of equipment would be overpriced according to your definition unless they exceeded market value. But they are all overpric... 
performance vs. resale
I too swap gear in and out somewhat frequently. It is a strategy to upgrade so resale factor is important to me. Look at it this way, if you purchase a three year old piece for $1k, keep it for six months to a year and sell it for $800 to $900, is... 
Brand preference and opinions
Pawlowski, tell us what you really think.But to try to answer, if I had unlimited funds to spend on audio gear, which I don't, and wanted to buy a show piece amp I'd go for the Rowland Concerto integrated amp. That amp is just sexy. 
New speaker placement
Look into some treatment on the wall behind the speakers. A nice tapestry might work in your room as the audiophile stuff (look at my system for the ugly stuff) might not fit the nice decor. As for first reflection points, it looks as though the s... 
Best HDCD cd's ?
Should also have recommended searching the archives here. Search HDCD in the music forums, quite a few threads.You'll see my recommendation for Red House Records "A Nod To Bob" in there a few times. Fantastic cover cd of Dylan tunes by some lesser... 
Best HDCD cd's ?
Check this link http://www.head-fi.org/forums/f9/hdcd-list-65414/I think you'll find a bunch of good stuff. I also am a big fan of HDCD. 
Can you test my internet radio station please
As a rule, a simple yes or no rarely says it all. Not on an internet forum for sure. 
vibration and resonance
I built a rack from slate and threaded rods. My rack is very heavy but will wobble if the nuts aren't tight. I really crank them to make it rigid. 
Can you test my internet radio station please
Sounds fine here.