
Responses from thuchan

Ortofon A90 or Air Tight PC-1
Nolitan, do understand. Maybe you have the chance to hear it at another occasion. The TTs and arms you were listening to are fine. downunder is right. 
Ortofon A90 or Air Tight PC-1
Albert, you may use the straight arm wand cause the A90 has a high compliance. That should match perfectly (don`t use the S version), good luck. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Raul, thanks a lot, will start the quest. You know I recently discovered the Moving Iron field with some good results, at least with the Sussuro. I will be in contact with Halcro too, he became MM addicted I guess. Why not! 
Ortofon A90 or Air Tight PC-1
Nolitan, it seems you are riding on the low and middle frequency track. A90 too smooth? which tonearm and TT are you using? 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Being a latecomer to this thread what would you recommend to be the best matching MM for the FR-66s /Fr-66fx or the Cobra/Copperhead? 
Best tonearm for London Reference Cartridge
It seems not so many people have experience with the Deccas or Moving Iron cartridges.There have been some changes: The mass of the needle mounting system was minimized by half. The bearing which carries the diamond is shaped in an L-form and does... 
Ortofon A90 or Air Tight PC-1
agree with Azjake, don`t expect too much of a SME V. I drive the Ortofon in a FR-66fx - it is a perfect match. 
Ortofon A90 or Air Tight PC-1
Albert, I agree with you on many topics but not on the Air Tight PC-1. When I had the PC-1 for testing it was not sounding really good despite the good tests it received. I assume they had to bring out a Supreme version very quickly because of tha... 
Best tonearm for London Reference Cartridge
Tbg, you are faster than me. The airpump of the Bergmann should be very good (as the TT is too of course!) 
Best tonearm for London Reference Cartridge
Tbg, the London Reference and the former Decca cartridges are completely different, even not from the same company although it should continue the tradition. I had the Garrard 501 TR. Try the Kuzma 4 Point or any other heavy arm on the Garrard. Yo... 
Best tonearm for London Reference Cartridge
Agree with Syntax. In the FR-66s the London Reference provides fantastic mid-ranges. This cartridge is somehow magic, not sweet or soft but really beautiful with verve and precision - and going to the heart !A really great cartridge. I think it is... 
Would the Denon 103 be a good match for ET2 arm?
for the ET2 I would go for cartridges with a stiff dampening. The Denon is fine or the Zyx Universe, Atmos etc. I would not go for very sensitive carts like Olympos (especially the Lyras in general). You will ruin your dampening. 
How to set VTA correctly for Grandezza ?
you may build your own gauge model by using some stiff paper. do place one piece of flat stiff paper on the record and fix another piece of paper (use glue) on one half side of the "record paper". Fold it upwards, so it shows to the tonearm.Draw p... 
When does analog compete with digital?
there are TTs in the market for under 300 Dollars which are better than any CD player without good/expensive DAC. But this is not an attempt to convice you buying this 300 Dollar item... 
Stand out phono stages
Kondo KSL M7 Phono in combination with SUT SFZ - is the winner of our phonostage shootout. It is a wounderful phonostage for low output MCs (but also provides a 40 Ohm input, 3 Ohm, 1 Ohm).