
Responses from thuchan

Can Mac/PC compete with High End CDT??
Being always a bit curious when the industry started a new approach ("music servers are better then red book CDs" - reminded me of "Mini-Discs are better than CDs") I compared a Sooloos server in my dCS-System. We feed the Sooloos with nicely clea... 
Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?
Thanks Soundlistening, C1ferrari, Halcro and all other supporting friends. It was a very pleasant trip. I enjoyed a lot.Some of the travelling companions still believe I was lost in Down Under - and somehow I am. SalutEckart 
Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?
a good friend of mine living a little more than 10.000 miles away asked me for a verdict on the Criteron/Copperhead. Everyone who knows me does understand that this is a very difficult job to do regarding the different cartridges, arms, pre-amps e... 
TW-Acustic Arm
Dear Dertonearm, you have some sandals left for me...?Dear Nandric, pls. forgive me. It might look sarcastic but when you are listening to some of the very important people on this planet you will hear discussions about all those toys we all would... 
TW-Acustic Arm
Oh come on you great modern philosophers, it is so much fun discussing very high priced items, not only in the world of high end. Look at watches, cars, ships, helicopters, business jets (I hope you are well stuffed with those... :-)So a rabbit ne... 
Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?
I got the information of which material the belt is, it is Pyrathane (see article of MF March 2008).I read in Mike Fremers article that the feet of the Criterion are very special and keep vibrations under control.This they do not very good as my e... 
which is better ? MC phono stage or MM+step-up ?
In 2003 I started to use a Kondo KSL transformer with my LOMCs. In Germany not many people were using SUTs at that time, it wasn`t really popular. In the beginning I was not really happy with the MC output of the Lamm Lp2 DeLuxe, so I tried the MM... 
TW-Acustic Arm
Is this Marketing-Stage Number TWO ? what follows ? present-boxes for all customers? Do you have my adress?No - hmmm 
TW-Acustic Arm
Brilliant arguments shown on a thread lead to a loss of certainty by some of the participants I guess. When it comes to feelings they do start to express it changes the scene completely. But I do understand that attacking one´s system leads to dis... 
Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?
I am married Peter, yes - but not to Continuum. They are using a somehow transparent belt which fits quite well. One could also use a VPI round belt. I am not sure about the material. We have to search for. You can move the motor unit just a littl... 
Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?
It depends whom you ask, but from my experience the Caliburn is bigger, heavier, got a magnetic support for the really heavy platter, a different air system with air bearing, the control unit and vacuum are different and it is equipped with the Co... 
TW-Acustic Arm
Dgad & Dertonarm : you both are flying in two different planetary systems. No one ever will convince the other of its position anymore. So the discussion doesn´t lead to anything. Let´s wait until we have tested TW`s new arm and come back and ... 
Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?
Dear Lewm, it`s aContinuum Criterion with a Copperhead tonearm carrying a Lyra Olympos.You`re right you cannot see details on the website of Continuum. Maybe the pic under the following link helps to answer your question. It´s a usual type drive, ... 
Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?
Breuninger, I have to study this click-click-clock system deeper. Maybe I am saving some sport activities between the units of my system and some more advantages will come up...David, you are on a good track. This is my first TT I bought when I re... 
Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?
as a first measurement I pulled the loudspeakers some 25 cm into the room - not bad. BTW - it`s fun moving the Wilsons around...