
Responses from thuchan

SUT shootout
When we made a phonostage shootout last weekend comparing some good units we discovered again that the Kondo M7 Phono and the Kondo SUT are a nearly perfect match for low output MCs. 
Where does your user name come from?
Thu is the name of my niche. She is Vietnamese. Having lived and studied in Japan in the 90 ies I always use the Japanese ending for kids or family members which is chan. Instead of the grown up ending san. 
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
WAVAC 833 MK II will leave my listening room after me! 
Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?
It was interesting to have the opportunity to compare the Continuum Copperhead and the Cobra tone arms on the Criterion. After sometime setting up the tone arms I got a point were critical listening was finally possible. The Cobra portrays a broad... 
Azimuth observations and importance
I now tested the Fozgometer. Yes - it works. Also the channel balancing is a good feature. But - as I assumed - it is not very precise. The needle of the meter scale is moving in between 2 -5 gradations during the reading of the signal from the de... 
Anyone try the Fosgate Fozgometer Azimuth meter?
I am curiosly watching this product since 6 weeks too. I have always felt that when anybody tries to control the market (ie tell the consumers where to buy) then they will limit there potential, frustrate buyers etc....but it also means that they ... 
Azimuth observations and importance
Stltrains you are so right but the world looks for simple solutions and when the marketing campaign starts knowledge or belief in its own virtues is no more the choice. This product is triggered as the overall solution to the vinyl challenges. God... 
Anyone try the Fosgate Fozgometer Azimuth meter?
I am also very sceptical on this kind of product. Also the way they are distribuiting this product makes me wondering. I looks like they are following a marketing strategy รก la Apple or in the beginning they did not believe that many people would ... 
Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?
I am considering testing a Cobra arm on my Criterion. I learned that I need a special bases for the Cobra. Does anybody have experience with a Cobra mounted on a Criterion.? Maybe someone could provide me with his assessment how the two arms diffe... 
ARC Reference Anniversary preamp in 2011
John,you`re right. This was somehow also an ironic statement from my side. It is the same with someone telling you he has reached Audio Heaven and he wll buy no more gear at all.So we will watch together who is next from the two of us!?all the bes... 
ARC Reference Anniversary preamp in 2011
You mean 50 th Anniversary? Can you wait so long? 
ARC Reference Anniversary preamp in 2011
It sounds terrific - maybe really the last preamp !! 
Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaning System
I have seen some new designs of the Vinyl Cleaner at the High End in Munich. Technically it looks like it is the same machine but with different surfaces. 
Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?
Dear Raul,returning from the High End 2010 in Munich yesterday I was a little dissapointed that the overall interest in analogue gear declined a little (!) in comparison to last years`s show. Of course nearly everyone runs a TT in the showroom but... 
TW-Acustic Arm
could listen to the arm at the Munich High End yesterday for the first time. It sounds very good indeed!