
Responses from thuchan

How is LAMM LP2 compares to the more recent phono
Suteetat, I have testet the Air Tight with the Lamm LP2. It is a nice match but the Lamm deserves better. Go for a Kondo SUT or FR silver coiled SUT. You may also try the Syntax. These are much better options.The Lamm LP2 is a phono stage many own... 
Schröder Tonearm
Hey, are you celebrating bad behavior? we all know that Syntax has a very unique pattern of putting his essence into short comments or images. But as we might agree on his Schroeder assessment and maybe also on the Linn LP2 and, ahem, yes - maybe ... 
EMT turntables as good as other great vintage TT?
Whoever has an EMT I suggest you should try the new Tondosen from EMT-Studiotechnik GmbH. What a difference to the old carts. Go for a TSD 15 lzi or for an Anniversary TSD 15. It is worth a try and I promise you will not believe any people anymore... 
EMT 927 vs. Micro Seiki 5000 or 8000 - different?
Jonathan, I thought so too before I went into this experience. I also could not imagine that the old Studio idlers and these old Ortofon tonarms may be able to produce more than a very poor vintage need listening to a R 80 or 927 which h... 
EMT 927 vs. Micro Seiki 5000 or 8000 - different?
your intuition is pretty good Bourse. We are not so far away in Europe. Currently I am exploring remote islands in the South China Sea. When I am back and did survive I will check my e-mail lists.So we are both building up horn systems, I decided ... 
EMT 927 vs. Micro Seiki 5000 or 8000 - different?
Hi Bourse,thanks a lot. This is a very valuable assessment, also extending to the Technics SP10 MKIII and the results which I would underline as well, having tested a MK II in my set-up (not a MK III yet). I will be ready for my final assessment a... 
EMT 927 vs. Micro Seiki 5000 or 8000 - different?
Dear Baranyi,the question is how much would you like to spend . in Japan you might follow Yahoo and you see it is in between a range of 35-60T$, depending whether it is fully equipped 927 with a phono stage, tube, mono, stereo, Ortofon arm, EMT ar... 
EMT 927 vs. Micro Seiki 5000 or 8000 - different?
Dear Channel10, this hobby is all about learning, experimenting and assessing. If I meet guys addicted to a certain church and looking for new church members I am always suspicious. It might feel well being welcomed in an audio church as it does i... 
EMT 927 vs. Micro Seiki 5000 or 8000 - different?
Soundlistening,I am very thankful for the good advices on EMTs I received from you.I am wondering why people have written a lot of nonsense which led to an image that Studio EMTs are non musical machines just being used to transport a quick & ... 
Why Would a Turntable Need More than 1 Arm ?
You may have only one arm, for instance with an EMT table, an EMT 997 or Ortofon RMG 309 you can switch easily from Stereo to Mono carts without alignments at all. If you are going to be happy with one tonearm in this constellation you have my res... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Lewm, you are completely right!! 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Great Raul, this will become a hot summer. Dertonearm's turntable and your tonearm being launched. Exciting. I am selling some very nice tonearms right now I would have never separated from but life goes on...Lewm, I never used capacitor loadings ... 
EMT 927 vs. Micro Seiki 5000 or 8000 - different?
Soundlistening,one of the secrets of the 927 lies in its higher platter mass. In this respect I think people are right when saying that a higher platter mass is crucial for a good TT.of course we disagree! why not. I need to show you how excellent... 
Uni-Protractor Set tonearm alignment
No 22 is on its way to reach a forward looking client...Syntax, great images, nice cart 
Stand out phono stages
Dear Andromeda,I had the Nagra but only for a short while. Maybe I sold too early but I had the impression it didn't reach to my Kondos (M 7) and my Lamm. This was before I improved the Lamm. Of course you need to wait until all new parts and caps...