
Responses from tholt

suggestions on affordable equipment stands.
@Jdoris - 4 legs would be more stable than 3, but I haven't had a problem with stability. I suspect going with 3 rods over 4 is the same '3 points make a plane' principle as using 3 footers under a component instead of 4; the least contact while s... 
suggestions on affordable equipment stands.
Note that if you go a rod and shelf design, the three rod version linked above limits the depth of components, which might be an issue with some gear, like big power amps.This would be true if one of the rods was in back, which it isn't. All rods ... 
suggestions on affordable equipment stands.
DiY baby! Costs less and you get that special pride when you're done... click here. This is a great rack, I made mine with Ash that still had the curves of the wood on the edges. Cost me around $200 in materials and a couple weekends of drilling a... 
Nordost Red Down or Zu Wax
@Chrisr - Julian was the entry level product when it was sold. To compare Julian to "Nordost" is a little unfair. But even so, when you cut apart the cable and you saw nothing but wires, man, what a letdown! No doubt Nordost is nothing but truth i... 
Are audiophile speakers turn on for single women?
i wonder if Manley gear impresses the girls?Mapman I wondered the same thing, but she just laughed at my 'Manley Shrimp'. 
New Zu Mission cable
Be sure to give ample time for break in. They took at least 200 hours before they really started to bloom IME; don't rush to conclusions. I replaced my entire system cabling at once, so it probably took longer in my case. But decent break-in time ... 
Wyred 4 sound has great customer service
Kudos to Wyred! I'm fortunate enough to live in the same (small) town as their facilities. I'm running their SX 500 mono's and have met and spoke many times with EJ, head of product dev and owner. A stellar guy. 
Are audiophile speakers turn on for single women?
Don't kid yourself. Try dinner conversation about speaker cable and amplifiers. You are a nerd in their eyes. Can you blame them? 
New Zu Mission cable
New Zu Mission cable
CG - looked on their FB page but didn't see any mention of those cables. Where do you see them? 
New Zu Mission cable
Wow, the only cable line they offer now is Mission, per their new website. Very interesting.... maybe Mission is the launch of a new cable line up? I wonder why they dropped the other lines outright. 
Are audiophile speakers turn on for single women?
Great thread. Hats off to Elizabeth, our own outspoken tech diva. A chick that knows her way around the machinery is ALWAYS sexy. 
Cable Elevators killed my bass
BTW, I believe I've since revised my thoughts on the ESD isolators. They do in fact make a difference, and now for the better. No idea if it was a 'settling' thing or what...but I inserted them again last night and results seem to be positive. fwi... 
Cable Elevators killed my bass
Tbg, going up to my folks house for T-day, believe my mom has some antiques in the cupboard. I'll try to remember that. Thanks 
Cable Elevators killed my bass
Not 'avoiding' ceramics per se, I wanted to try a low cost alternative that was specifically made as cable risers as an experiment. The ESD's are from and were recommended to me by Ryan Tew, whom I believe is the owner. Maybe I'...