
Responses from thespeakerdude

Who says studio monitors are "cold and analytical"?
@donavabdear ,   Only 1 sub on the studio system?  
Who says studio monitors are "cold and analytical"?
@donavabdear ,   I would like to hear your opinion in a year or two once you are more acclimated to your studio system. I find it harder and harder to go back to less "accurate" systems. There could even be generational aspects at work. Younger ... 
Why so few devices with BNC's??
@mikelavigne , I am not an EE, but I work around them every day, and I have a physics background so I get the concepts. Turns out the 6moons article was excerpts of the one you linked. I don't feel a need to change my past statement, a flawed pre... 
Why so few devices with BNC's??
I think the RCA and BNC thing was a bigger deal 10-20 years ago. My understanding and I have not done the math is the slow edges of SPDIF make impedance matching not as critical. With the interfaces and DACs today most of them should shrug off a l... 
Posts removed
I suspect the algorithms are of a dog pile nature. One person not liking your post may not raise a flag. A few people may. With how polarized audiophiles seem to be, I could see this happening. There does seem to be groups of one belief or another... 
Why so few devices with BNC's??
Cost of BNC is mentioned as an issue. For audiophile equipment would not BNC be the lowest cost for digital? An inexpensive commercial grade BNC connector will be better than the most expensive RCA and the same would be true for the cable. All the... 
The problem with absorption panels- it kills the fine details
@avanti1960  Its not usually about reflections giving fake detail though they create a sense of space. It's normally about absorption causing suck out in the room response whether you can hear the direct or not. Detail is not only first arrival i... 
Interesting situation! Do we need this....
@petar3 ,   I find your comment unfounded. There is much to discuss and banning a topic because you cannot perceive what could be discussed is not a good course for a discussion forum. If one does not have anything to contribute, one is not forc... 
The problem with absorption panels- it kills the fine details
Room treatment is not something that can be guessed at nor something easily done by ear. It is difficult to tame reflections, get a good room response, and maintain on axis speaker response if you are using DSP. That does not mean DSP is bad. It i... 
Interesting situation! Do we need this....
@cd318 everything I read about HIIT indicates it is every bit as good for general health as the 3 times, 30 minutes vigorous per week (which seems to be creeping up), if not better. I really like the rowing machine. I am often surprised at the mus... 
Interesting situation! Do we need this....
When I was doing low carbohydrate I did not do a very high fat version of it. Essentially, I replaced A lot of the complex carbohydrates with fiber and a bit more protein. Fat went up but not a huge amount.  
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
I also had designs of an optical digital laser microphone that could listen from miles away. Hope no one figures out that one.    I hate to break your bubble on this one. Those have been around since the 80's probably earlier. I don't know if ... 
Thorsten Loesch vs Amir
I think the warning here is to avoid the cult of personality prevalent in consumer audio that is almost completely absent in professional audio. My customers never ask "who" designed a particular speaker. They do ask for particular engineers when ... 
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
@donavabdear the Dutch and Dutch 8C is just like the microphone with vents and all (and some DSP), the Kii (Bruno) does it with electronics. Sky is the limit.  
Interesting situation! Do we need this....
@cd318  I was a fat kid. Not obese, but "fat". Turned into a fat young adult. Sort of hit me one day, and I vowed to change, and came across this low carb thing. I slip, but it is an easy thing mentally get back on track. It is much easier to do ...