
Responses from thespeakerdude

Analyzing DACs
They don't have advertising @carlsbad. Think what you may of them, they don't sell clicks. Spreading false information is not what good people do.​​​​  
Analyzing DACs
@carlsbad making stuff up about other people is not a thing good people do.  
Made in USA
@deadhead1000  Ask how people in Nepal feel. Hong Kong. How do people in Taiwan feel when under threat. We have nothing like the Uyghurs in the last 100 years of history. How about the forced displacement of Uyghurs with a planned influx of Han. ... 
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
@kota1 , You seem to fancy yourself an unofficial moderator. You pull the same childish stunt with everyone. @donavabdear I doubt in any way felt called out, and neither did anyone else. I don’t feel called out by you, I feel you are simply immat... 
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
The primary issue @donavabdear appears to have is a noisy signal chain (noisy tube pre-amp + high gain amp will cause that). That is what you find out when you listen and research and do not jump to conclusions.  @donavabdear , did you respond abo... 
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
@kota1, I have asked nicely for you to act like an adult. I don't know what you think that childish post does to improve your standing. I am not hear to play in your personal circus and jump through hoops for you. When you have some ownership pos... 
Analyzing DACs
Without any advertising @carlsbad, can you tell me how much money @ASR makes per click?  I go there for the Klippel speaker measurements. Other than the dipole measurement they screwed up, their measurements are accurate.  
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
@kota1 , I would have quit while you were behind. My S&P Index fund has done way better, as has my O&G fund, thought I am not sure that has much legs left and even my semiconductor fund is screaming again. But seriously, I don't know what ... 
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
Funny, @kota1 ,  they Sonos has tried to recruit me twice. How about you? However, at least to the latest information I have, their emphasis, at least from a pure audio standpoint, is best audio in small size. There are a lot of parallels from a ... 
Made in USA
Wow, @vladtheimpala, any thoughts you would like to share on Russia as well? Your show posts is based on a false premise, "seething anti-Chinese mob" I see nothing of the sort. I do see anti-China, which is much different. I don't see anyon... 
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
@donavabdear , the Lyngdorf Class-D is either off the shelf Purifi or customized. The brains is Bruno and Lara who started Purifi with Peter.  Those are Peter's words by the way.  Class D is almost a technical necessity for the bass due to high po... 
50 years of Hip Hop- How Come?
A lot of Rock was protest music. That people protesting at that time are now fat and happy. A lot of Hip-Hop is protest music. The people protesting have not reached the fat and happy stage yet.  Is that true? No idea, but it sounds good! Some pe... 
New take on CD vs Vinyl vs CD
The record and the recording of the record can't be compared to a CD to do anything but compare how different engineers interpreted what should be on each format and perhaps what they had for breakfast that morning or if they fought with their spo... 
Made in USA
No manufacturer builds in China because they want to (unless they are Chinese). They build there because they have to to be cost competitive. Low wages certainly has a lot to do with that. Lax controls over everything but your politics also contri... 
Solving the "complex music problem"?
6 feet from the front wall? Ridiculous...just put the speakers outside in a field away from trees, or put bass traps on the trees. Or...don't fear the "room sound" as most (all?) music is played in makes things sound...dare I say...REA...