
Responses from thespeakerdude

Who says studio monitors are "cold and analytical"?
Coming up on two decades of designing, managing the development of, and marketing professional speakers for a variety or end markets including studio. Thank you @lonemountain ​​​​@fair for bringing some sense of reality to this dumpster fire. P... 
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
@donavabdear, For both a speaker and microphone, there are some aspects that cannot be changed with equalization and signal processing. The most predominate is dispersion. This cannot be decoupled from the room though for reproduction, the goal o... 
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
@ricevs   Feel free to use a term such as subjectivist if it makes you feel better. What I am is someone who has been involved in speaker design for professional applications for approaching 2 decades now. I don't take offense when someone says... 
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
Actually speaker design is simple.....there are not that many factors and you can learn them all in a few hours and apply them with a digital xover and digital amps. No, not even close, though open baffle, just one type of speaker, which may ha... 
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
@ricevs  Class-D is not PWM. PWM is not "Class D type amplification". The only thing they share in common is switching devices. Purifi is a Class-D amplification product that uses the input signal and feedback to reference the output to a clean an... 
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
@kota1 ​​@mijostyn ’s main speakers are floor to ceiling line sources. He does not need to worry much about floor and ceiling for them and side wall reflections are likely to be a bit lower. Still have floor/ceiling and side walls for bass as the ... 
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
I guess it's a good thing I got a math degree before physics.  
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
@mijostyn , you have two people @donavabdear and me, who work professionally in the field, both apparently with physics backgrounds. As well I (and apparently @donavabdear) have worked with other physicists, acoustic experts (often physicists) and... 
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
@mijostyn feel free to put your opinions of how acoustics work above actual knowledge. It may make you feel better, but it will not help your understanding. You may have a basic conceptual knowledge of line arrays, but you are both not applying it... 
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
@donavabdear   Quick Google JL Audio Fathom f113v2 and hum. Common problem. Nothing to do but get them serviced.  
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
@mijostyn , your bass "line array" goes from left wall to right wall, well in theory, and includes the walls as reflectors to extend the virtual length of the array (again in theory and needed for low frequencies). The floor is still a first refle... 
Sometimes we have thoughts in our heads. Sometimes it is best if they stay there.  
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
Apologies I used voice dictation for my last post and it changed mains to means several times. So much for context sensitive dictation :-) @lonemountain if you are low passing the subs at only 2nd order (12db/octave) then you pretty much have to ... 
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
Sorry @lonemountain but high passing mains,. especially residential is often the right thing to do, and done right, with quality subs and filtering on both is inaudible. There will be no shift in tone and no localization is possible.  You have to ... 
Has anyone been able to define well or measure differences between vinyl and digital?
Thank you @johnread57 . I don’t normally put mich stock in his videos but he does have access to the process. He seems to support my claim above that vinyl is noticeably different no matter how perfect the vinyl it is still changing the sound.