

Responses from theo

What Instrument would you listen to?
Brownsfan, I did find it on Amazon on the ECM lable and am ordering it once I get my order completed, I realize that it was ONE selection you suggested not two as I said. I did see a number of other listings but am sticking with your suggestion, I... 
What Instrument would you listen to?
Brownsfan, thank you, two selections I am not familiar with but am going to amazon to obtain. Thanks again. 
What Instrument would you listen to?
I agree in this scenerio the piano is a good choice. But take it a step further, which recording? 
Lip balm for CD scratches?
I don't have any KISS or Flaming Lips CDs. 
I own the F32's and had looked at the F30 when I heard that the F32 was coming I waited actually thing I could get the F30's at a discount. Well once I heard the f32's I quickly changed my mind. But in the course of my research I did listen to the... 
What Revel rear speakers to use?
I agree with Spinaker in that the seamless intregration across the front 3 speakers is a priority in HT setup. However the C30 is from the predessor to the Performa F32/C32/M22 line up. The C12 is from the Concerta line up.To find the rears that m... 
In-the-Grove lp cleaner
My complaint with this is, that it should have been made in a conical shape so that it would roll in a circular path consistant with the shape of an LP. 
Looking to buy McIntosh MX 136 Processor......
Contact Josh at recycledaudio.com or check with audioclassics.com 
Anyone hear of the Black Cable Tie tweak?
OK so a plastic non-conductive device placed around a non-related, non-electrical object is an audio tweak?I find that if I open the ashtray in my car that is stored 17 miles from my house with one folded gum wrapper (must be folded 3 times length... 
What is the most popular wood finish ?
Of recent years, I would say Cherry & Rosewood other than black that is. Or at least that is my observation. Of those two I think Cherry. But I am partial to cherry. 
Why no DOOMS DAY sales?
This just in from the AP wire.....Doomsday has been cancelled due to lack of faith in Mayan prophecy. It appears that the lack of faith was brought on by widespread skepticism and general dis-concern for such predictions made by Mayan forecasters.... 
Upgrading from Rega P5 TT
If you want a P7 there is a dealer in Colorado that has a demo listed at 1795.oohere is the linkhttp://www.audioalternative.com/PreOwnedandDemoGear.htmlI am not a dealer just have done business here and have been very impressed with the owners TT ... 
12.12.12 concert
Roger Waters 
Ravi Shankar passes.
Our condolences to Norah Jones. Just last week I listened to "Concert for Bangladesh " . Talented indeed. 
Multichanneled amp question?
You can switch the rears to the unused channels, it might assue even wear of four channels but the center will always wear more. Personally I would just hook it up and go.