

Responses from theo

Cleaning, polishing Speaker Cabinets ?
I use a citrus based cleaner, then apply bees wax and buff to a nice shine. I find that using a soft dust cloth for the final buffing brings the bees wax to a gloss. Then I check by rubbing my fingertip on the finish to assure all the wax has been... 
Revel F208 Review by Earl
Thanks you for your response. In reading your comments on the rock presentation at higher volumes, if interpret correctly, that more power seems to bring them to life. Would you say that maybe a different amp/pre-amp would correct the "thinness" a... 
Revel F208 Review by Earl
Earlxtr, thanks for your review. I did hear them last year at RMAF and was impressed as well. I do have a question, as I currently own F32's and would consider trading into the New Performa series, but the local dealer doesn't stock or display the... 
Does sellers responsibility end at FedEx?
I would insure it to CYA. If the buyer declined to buy insurance because he felt the additional cost was a financial burden, that would send a red flag up to me. Surely he would want it to arrive in good shape and avoid dealing with the shipper if... 
The King is dead, Long Live the King
Amazing how many lives were touched by this legend. I can't recall ever hearing one negative comment about him, and all the musicians that he played with through the years, is a testament to the love of his craft. He will be missed but never equaled. 
Best older universal for CD playback??
I have had t,he Marantz DV9500 then went to the DVD3910 which I quickly traded in for a DVD5910ci. The 5910 was superior to them all. I see the 5910s for all here once and a while. But a word of caution, these are all older machines and are at the... 
Mx135 subwoofer not working???
Tom, it does sound heat related. I would call McIntosh, they are very good at helping you diagnose and also in the past they done repairs for me, and although out of warranty, it was still free. I just paid the shipping to them and they sent it ba... 
Looking for Feedback
I agree with ZD542, buy a decent pre-processor, and get a good 2 channel pre amp with unity gain (HT/Cinema) pass thru and then if budget permits a multi channel amp and a 2 channel amp. Since the processors go out of date so frequently, you can u... 
Using solid copper THERMOSTAT wire as speaker wire
You have made a good investment into your system from what you have listed. Why scrimp now? Get a speaker wire that is in the same league as your equipment. Kinda like rebuilding Porsche with OEM or better components and putting re-cap tires on it... 
Try Stillpoints footers under Power Conditioner?
I have always used Sorbethane products and recently switched to some Ginko footers and so far I can't say I am hearing difference good or bad.I will switch back and see if that is more telling. By the way it is a Running Springs Jaco. 
Forgiving digital coax ?
I have tried a few different cables and have been happiest with Kimber AGDL between my Connect and Rega DAC. 
Which component video cable should I buy?
I used Tributaries S which was their best at the time, and still have them in 20 foot length. At that length they provided a great resolution and color accuracy. These would be available if you need a long set. If interested I could place an ad he... 
RP8 dustcover or not?
I had a custom cover made for my RP10 and packed the base and cover away. I checked with a number of acrylic cover company's e.g. Ginkgo and found a local cover at a 3rd of the price. It isn't as nicely finished but it does and excellent job in pr... 
Bi-wire jumper config
When I bought my first pair of speakers that two sets of terminals, I used the jumpers that came with them and them ran one wire to each. My thoughts were that would equalize the signal to each. I tried all 3 combinations and never really could sa... 
Mx135 subwoofer not working???
I owned an MX135 but it's been a few years, so forgive my "guess from faded memory". But I seem to recall that you must set the cross over in the 2 channel settings menu, but I really seem to recall that the "pure" excludes the subwoofer. Also if ...