

Responses from theo

"Cracked Rear View"
A little off topic, but I think John Hiatt offers great and thought provoking lyrics. But one of my favorite lines is "I always though my house haunted, 'cause nobody said boo to me" . Not verbatim but I do love his music. 
Now Keith Emerson is gone...
What a talented musician he was, I have been a fan for years and had a tremendous appreciation for his music. It seems like we are losing the greats to often here lately. If anything, I am feeling older.I hope his family has plenty of support at t... 
Lyra Etna Versus Kleos
I had a Delos for a short while and upgraded to the Kleos and love it. However the system you describe would be a perfect fit for the Etna, if you have the means, and if your asking I presume you do. I have heard the Etna on a few different tables... 
Thanks jmcgrogan 
Michelle, sorry for your loss. I hope that you are doing well and that selling these and other items left from your husbands life, will assist in finding closure and reduce any pain you endure through this time in your life.my suggestion would be ... 
Bridging the Mcintosh 402 amp
Look at pgs 12 and 13 of your manual. This explains in detail how to change it to Mono operation. 
Is the main reason audio equipment depreciates so much is
#1 on digital and #3 on everything else. With an average of 40% profit at MSRP, and most dealers will discount 10-20% so that drives the used market down to below dealer cost at resale.  In my years here on Audiogon, it seems that 50% of MSRP seem... 
Upgrade Linn LP 12 or buy new table
I had a nicely set up LP12 and it sounded great, but I hit a point of either further obligation to Linn for upgrades and maintenance mor change. I decided to trade off on a Rega RP10. I do miss the musical pacing of the LP12, in my opinion it woul... 
Another musician has died
That is sad news indeed. Gee I am beginning to feel old here lately, David Bowie, Glen Frey, the list is way to long and too familiar. I guess I am getting old. But as a big Jefferson Airplane/Starship fan, it is truly sad to see a musician with s... 
Parasound JC3+ or Audia Flight Phono
Just curious on the owners of the JC3+, did you ever try lifting the ground to reduce the noise? I have been considering the JC3+ and asked a month or so back about a comparison to the Linn Uphorik, but still haven't made a purchase. I have been l... 
Audio Research discontinuing lower lines components?
I think the one point that needs to be considered, is that maybe they aren't selling enough of the lower end product to justify keeping them in production. A good example is, or least last I heard, that Vandersteen would like to discontinue older ... 
Glen Frey has passed ...
I meant, "it is sad to see, as they all had their own special talent", not that it was sad that they had talent. Also my sympathies to the Frey family, they lost him too early 
Glen Frey has passed ...
They say it comes in 3's, David Bowie, Natalie Cole and now Glen Frey. It is sad to see all had their own special talent. Glen was a great writer with a wider fully smooth voice. I always felt Glen and Don Henley were their own version of a Lennon... 
The one piece of gear you will never sell
I haven't bought it yet. 
Used Linn sondek lp12 worth?
I would think the arm and cart alone are worth the price. As far as the LP12, it may require a tuneup as the LP12 does on occasion. But even with a good tune up, 900.00 is a very fair price for both of you. At her asking price if she sold here on ...