

Responses from theo

Boston Acoustics and Snell bought by D&M Holdings
Mark I appreciate your perspective and hope that you are right. I looked at you system, I also am a Mc owner MC 352, MX135 and MC7205. I just don't want to see my stuff de-valued prematurely. You make good sense. Thanks for your comments 
I had a spider crawl in my preamp A Problem?
I think most spiders are rated at less than 5 amperes so it probably blew before I caused any damage. Unless you are the spider then the amp is of no concern...er was 
How many audiophiles to screw in a light bulb?
OK so if I am repalcing two light bulbs and reverse the polarity on one with the room be dark? 
How many audiophiles to screw in a light bulb?
I didn't see anyone comment on how much "burn in" time is required before you can really consider it light! 
What is it called?
How much can you afford right now for a pre-amp? I have a Yamaha Pre-Amp C85 that is non-remote I could sell for 75.00 plus shipping. It has a decent phono stage plus 4-5 inputs. It's been a while since I have looked at it so memory is off a littl... 
Dire Straits "Making Movies" on Simply Vinyl
Simply put! if you don't buy it letr me know where it is. Is it sealed? 
Thoughts on the Mac 352
I as mentioned by Velo62, also spoke with McIntosh and the advice Velo gives is concurred with completely. Save the dough unless you need the 50watts. 
Best wire metal to bridge speaker binding posts
Personnaly I have always made jumpers of the same wire as the speaker wire from the amp. See if you dealer can get you 6-8 inches of the T.labs. 
Why am I experiencing listener's fatigue?
Try toeing out the speakers a few degrees to where they are not firing directly at you. And maybe try a different CD player with a warmer sound. 
Thoughts on the Mac 352
I have seen alot of threads on these two amps. I can only stress that I own a 352 and have decided that I need look no further. Not only does it sound great but the meters are a treat in themselves. 
Why are audiophiles perceived as being wackos?
I wouldn't concern myself with the opinions of non-philes. They just don't have the apreciation for the finer treasures hidden in the sense of hearing. I kinda understand their viewpoint when I examine my opinion of people that raise horses. They ... 
DirecTV into DAC into preamp......
The only DirecTV receivers that i have had expereice with that have digital out or those with 5.1 DD capability. The only ones of those that have Coax as well as Toslink is the Samsung models. All the other have Toslink only. Personnally I prefer ... 
"new" Joni Mitchell album
Will she ever beat the sound she had on "Hissing of summer lawns"? 
"new" Joni Mitchell album
So how is the recording quality? 
DOA- do we need to redefine the 'A'?
I agree it is sold "as is no warranty" especially when the buyer admits that it worked when he received it. The seller cannot be responsible for the buyers, AC power surges, dropping or mis-handleing, or improper connecting.I would not offer any w...