

Responses from theo

I don't know where else to post this...so,
Another vote on the LittleLite I got mine form AudioAdvisor.Com they offer either a clip on or a weighted base. 
Vienna Acoustics New Line
Another speake in that price range that sound exceptional for it's size is the Revel Performa M22. I purchased a full set of the Performas and the F32's were on back order so I used the M22 for fronts in order to break them in and I was so pleased... 
Which Patricia Barber album floats yer boat?
To elaborate on my choice of Cafe Blue, I must add not only Patricia Barber deserves the credit here. It is her band, I saw her live in Denver last year and her little quartet is awesome. Each member in her band deserves equal praise. Dylan and Mi... 
Which Patricia Barber album floats yer boat?
Cafe Blue 
Esoteric DV50S, Any Plans to Discontinue?
From the CES report on StereoPhile's website, Esoteric is still showing it as available. But where are all the Uni-Players going with BluRay on the way. I just bought the Denon DVD-5910 and didn't buy the DV50S to save the 1200.00 because I think ... 
How trustworhty is Used Cables?
I have dealt with them for years and find them knowledgable and fair. The other service they provide if you are having trouble making a decision is the lending library. Nothing like a in home/system demo to settle the question. 
Linn CD-12 or Ikemi: Your opinions
As an owner of the Ikemi I would but the CD-12 if I had the money to spare. But the Ikemi has been a great player and I will probably hate to sell it, but I wanna make a change. You may look for an ad here on Agon once I get my duckies lined up 
Linn Akurate 242 Speakers, WOW
Chris, I agree wholeheartedly. I have listened to these for months now at my local Linn dealer in Ft Collins Colo.He has them hooked up to the Ayre System including the Universal Stereo Player and WOW says it all. I have the Revel Performas and ho... 
Best Krell Amp?
If you are considering service as part of your decision, take a look at McIntosh and Ayre as well. As far as what Krell to buy I would just go and listen. Good shopping! 
bass problem in a sailboat
It may limitation of either the speakers or pre-amp stage not delivering the frequency range or both. If all 4 speakers are in same area why not try getting new speakers? Two that deliver better low mid to high and two that deliver mostly low freq... 
Speaker on its side as a center?
You might check with B&W to see if there is any concern from their end. If the speakers have any ferrofluid cooling that may prompt you to rotate the drivers. I had a freind that did it with his old Kappa &'s and the Emit tweeter failed ab... 
Marantz DV8400 or Arcam DV79
Not familiar with the Arcam but as a previous owner of a DV-8400 and current owner of the DV-9500, I can attest that video of the DV-9500 absolutely surpassed the performance of the DV-8400. I have mine for sale here on AG listed under DV-9500 and... 
Read the latest Absolute Sound, they answer some of these questions. I know that Samsung has commited to only produce backwards compatible players but no mention of the audio formats. I think they would be crazy not make these players fully backwa... 
Record Cleaning Machines
As an owner of the 16.5 and previous NG I agree with both of the above. FWIW 
Denon Service... Yeah or Nay?
Well maybe it is just as well. I see in the latest Absolute Sound that they expect a new format of hi-res in the Blu-Ray/HD-DVD formats. So I can buy these discs all over again. Thank God the vinyl still plays at 33.3 or 45.