

Responses from theo

great but when the players be available? 
Better yet tell your freinds you will meet them for coffee at a local coffee shop 
2-channel listening with a sub-woofer
I am using the Velodyne DD12 with Revel Performa F-32's and I just don't listen any other way now. It took some time to get it dialed in at the proper setting and volume but it is as if they were designed to be together. 
Simplest solution is a straight-jacket for the kids and if the parents complain, crank up the volume till you can't hear 'em. Truthfully a six year old should understand the word "NO" but in a new envirment anything is possible. Unless your freind... 
power cord too short? what now?
I'd say sell it and buy a longer cord. What Brand/Model is it, maybe someone reading this thread can use it? 
All I can add here is that as a owner of the C5xe, I couldn't be happier. Every disc I play reveals something I never noticed before and the tonal presentation is incredible. 
Digitally recorded lps?
I am pretty sure that Dire Straits was a full digital recording if not one of the first. I have always liked that on both the original and Simply Vinyl pressings. Just an example. 
McIntosh vs. Accuphase
I haven't seen any real numbers to make this more than observation through the years, but I believe that one of McIntosh's strongest market presence is in Japan. That would lend me to believe that maybe Accuphase hasn't quite duplicated the McInto... 
Ayre C 5xe Universal vs. Cary 306 SACD
Kalan, I think it ios gorgeous in black. I don't understand why Ayre doen't have pic's anywhere. I luckily live 45 miles from Boulder and happened to call Ayre the day they were finishing a C5xe in black for shipment. They asked if I could be ther... 
static buildup
You may look at running a dedicated chassis ground to your outlet and use the wall plate screw not the plug in. just a thought. 
Ayre C 5xe Universal vs. Cary 306 SACD
Kalan, I have had the C5xe for about 10 days now and I believe it is burned in pretty good. I have had it playing day and night for about 5 days and it sounding unbelieveably good. I am rediscovering my CD collection.I have not played one disc tha... 
Paradigm S4 , Revel F32, Revel M22 , EPOS
Yesfan, you have great taste in music. I have had my F32's now for about 18months. I love 'em. On Yes's Heart of the Sunrise and Starship Trooper they really bring out the vocals and keep Squires Bass lines in good tight formation.I also have the ... 
I agree with Porsiob, as a Mc owner I would almost feel as I commited a sacrilidge if I were to make any changes. I would rather trade to another brand before making any mods. 
Need advice on power cords for my Ayre system
I am a Cardas (forget the level) on my C5xe. I think Ayre uses a lot of Cardas wire and connectors in the build of thier units. 
What CD's do you take for a speaker audition?
When I was shopping speakers I made a CD expecially for that. I picked some Jazz, Rock, Classical, Drum Solo, Female Vocals, etc. I found it gave me a reference point on each speaker.